He watched as Bokuto's smile faded instantly, his eyes having gone from half lidded to wide in a second. Akaashi looked down and away from Bokuto, then back to the window. Akaashi could feel a weak, ailing arm pull itself up to rest upon his shoulder. If you watched Haikyuu, and anime, I would definitely recommend this ebook. The taller, dark haired male gestured to them. They were fingers. Characters die in one life?" "You've only been here for like, thirty minutes. Akaashi rose from his seat to enter the room, but instead found Bokuto standing at the door in seconds, his eyes wide with surprise. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Akaashi found himself laughing along with him. He figured he would tell his parents that the people in the hospital were too occupied with everything else to tend to him. Bokuto leaned in and touched his forehead to Akaashi's. "We're going back to the hospital right now. "Of course I don't. "It's not like I would've made any noise," Bokuto all but shouted, following after him. He grinned from ear to ear. "Didn't think you knew that about him. Akaashi figured it was safe to say that Bokuto had already begun to pull Kenma back in. "I guess you can Just as long as you're feeling better. Akaashi stirred in bed slightly and let out a weak grunt. Shut him out, don't let him in. "I'd dream that I messed up during a spike, and then I'd wake up fuming, and would constantly tell myself that I was the best.". He didn't care. He must have looked it up at some point, right? Bokuto looked back up and thought for a moment, then nodded. He turned his head towards the window, away from Akaashi. He inhaled audibly, and Akaashi could hear a scratching sound. His hand held onto one of Bokuto's very thin arms, and his thumb would occasionally rub up and down to comfort him. "Fucking bullshit." He didn't know how to react, didn't know what to do or say, but as he searched for the right words to speak, or the right thing to do, Akaashi found himself doing something he didn't expect of himself. I never thought I would end up finishing this piece, but I am glad that I did. Freezing in his seat, Akaashi read the words ten times over before he finally looked up. It doesn't make any sense.". He said lightheartedly, his fingers trembling around his phone. It hurt him to think that Bokuto had barely even experienced the joys of a young adult's life before that crippling disease had taken a hold of him. "No. Bokuto moved closer to where Akaashi was standing, all the while still sitting in bed. He struggled to raise a hand, and slowly he twirled his index finger in circles at the side of his head. Furrowing his brow, Akaashi stared at his phone screen and lay his head down sideways. Ten degrees outside.". Statistics Chart I would like that. ", "Not to my knowledge. His lips quivered before he could form his words. It took time for Akaashi's words to reach him, but when they finally did, his face lit up as he broke out in laughter. Bokuto stared at the screen with interested eyes, wondering what the content would consist of. His hands twitched once, and he moved closer, leaning into Bokuto's touch. Why must I always run into the strange ones? ", Bokuto couldn't help but guffaw, his head tilting back. It was then that he started to inaccurately press at words that he was trying to make out. Bokuto talked quietly in response to Kenma, gave a nod, and smiled. He hissed the words under his breath, openly frustrated with the situation. "So How are you taking all of this, if I may ask? One of the voices belonged to Bokuto. Exhaling through his nostrils, Akaashi reclaimed his seat in bed, crossing his legs. He chuckles. I mean, will they let you out of the hospital? That night was no different as Akaashi repeated this action for the twentieth time that day, his thumb scrolling up and down for minutes on end until he finally came to a stop. It wasn't necessarily a bow. It was warm on him, certainly something that one would find comforting, but as he stirred in bed, he was certain that something was off. ", Once Akaashi realized what Kuroo was talking about, he instantly felt his spirits fall. Juli 2022 . He sat cross-legged, with a shirt on that was two sizes too big, and a hat that looked as if it had been placed on his head without his consent. Because of the nightmare? He wanted the thought to leave his mind. Not in front of Bokuto. ", "Well if you've watched it seven times then why not watch it an eighth time? ], [I would hope so. Akaashi stopped in his tracks, in front of Bokuto's room. Very much." He laughed hard, or at least as hard as he could. It had been so long since he'd heard something so loud. Bokuto looked down at Akaashi's hand. Bokuto stared down at the white clump of melting ice, and with one finger, he pressed against it to watch it fall apart. Akaashi's eyebrows knit together. Bokuto swatted Akaashi's hands away. Akaashi turned to catch a glimpse of him, but he stared off in the distance, his eyes not focusing on anything in particular. A subtle, gentle sound. All he wanted was to see Bokuto again, even if just for a second. It caused him to open his eyes and look in Akaashi's direction, astonished. He sighed. I think the window will be as far as we can go." Akaashi watched as the screen went to black, and it was then that he placed the phone back on his nightstand, choosing to ignore the message. ", Akaashi looked down. This was not what he wanted. Without hesitation, he ran across the court to retrieve the ball. But as he spoke about his favorite scene, Akaashi could sense a powerful vibe coming from him One that wasn't there before. "I understand. The stranger could have been a patient at the hospital for all Akaashi knew, and the last thing he needed was a sickly acquaintance to add to his already short list of friends. He needed something anything to say to Bokuto, just so that he could liberate himself of the horrid feeling that threatened to overtake him. I'm usually around Kuroo, so" He shrugged with little energy. Akaashi inhaled quietly. He was kind of difficult to keep up with, and Akaashi felt like this would be a long term sort of thing. He looked around in weary haste, but calmed quickly once his memory had returned to him. Looking up at Akaashi with eager eyes, as if he'd been asked the question out of his own free will, Bokuto gladly answered. It had been some time since Akaashi set foot into that hospital. His head eased into his pillow, and to his surprise, within a matter of minutes, he could feel himself slipping. "Could you please toss to me some more?". Akaashi asked sincerely. From: Kuroo (Sent January 31st at 2:25 PM), [Things could be better. He pushed his negative thoughts aside and sat himself down in bed, right next to Bokuto. this broke my heart into tiny little pieces, I really don't know if I will ever be able to recover. Out in the dead of night stood Bokuto, with the burgundy knit scarf around his neck, a jacket, jeans, and slippers. "What would you have chosen to say?". He wasn't too sure why. Bokuto flinched hard enough to make the bed shake. He spoke to Akaashi as if he hadn't had a friend to text in years. He waves goodbye to his sister, shuts the door, and then walks to school, taking in a breath of the cool morning air. His yellow eyes stared at the screen intently. i dont normally include fanfics but i read this one months ago and every time i remember it, i sob uncontrollably so i felt like it deserved a place on my profile, T-T. Is it weird to say that this is my comfort fic?? It was the longest minute he'd ever been forced to sit through. I couldn't put Bokuto through all of that. He held an air around him as if he were having a normal conversation about the weather. Akaashi hadn't even mustered his first word before Bokuto snapped his head to the side to give him his undivided attention. "Is your bed alright?" He was slow to speak up again, but did either way. "I told you I had my moments every so often.". Sometimes I think I'm funny. Bokuto's hands were as cold as ice, causing Akaashi's concern in him to grow even more. Akaashi pressed play, and a video of Kuroo started to play. He turned his head to get a clear look at Bokuto's face, but instantly wished he hadn't. "More like acquaintances. This would have me to conclude that he had Bipolar 1, or possibly Cyclothymia Disorder, which has brief periods of mania and depression. Turning his attention back to him, Bokuto met Akaashi's gaze. Akaashi raised his eyebrows. Bokuto's head lolled to the side, directing his attention back to the movie. This did not faze him, however, as Bokuto only closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, allowing the burn of the winter air to fill his lungs. I would have Kenma say bye, too, but-" He turned his head to look around, "He left the room? Sucking his teeth, Bokuto pulled the blanket up to just beneath his chin. It was the last word Kuroo murmured before he stared forward as well, having nothing more to say. Once again, that crippling spell took hold of him, and Akaashi couldn't move, nor could he speak. He swallowed thick, and turned his head to stare out the window again. It lit Bokuto's face up just enough for Akaashi to take in those healthy features that were staring back at him. He looked up, and his gaze found Bokuto's. A sugar replacement used in many stevia, monk-fruit, keto and other reduced-sugar products marketed for weight loss and diabetes has been linked to stroke, heart attack and early death, a new . "We were actually just talking about stepping outside. Partly be-cause I was too afraid to read up on it. Those yellow eyes were gleaming. Bokuto stared at Akaashi, his features having gone from disappointed to unaccepting. But Kuroo insisted." rockin' the west coast prayer group; easy bulky sweater knitting pattern. Weakly, Akaashi parted his lips. After this, he would repeat the same process, paying little to no mind to the freezing cold that surrounded him. His words were as straightforward as they were indifferent. What was he to say? 2) After Akaashi fell asleep, he somehow transported to an alternate universe where Bokuto is alive. On occasion, one or two would land on him, and he would draw his hand in quickly to try and see if he could make out the small pattern on them. He turned around. Bokuto's eyes did the familiar light up thing as he bounded into Akaashi's home. Hesitating, he turned, pivoting on one foot to stare back at the small one who sat by his lonesome. "Just breathe with me.". Bokuto no longer smelled like a hospital. "Keep doing what you're doing." "He turned twenty only three months ago", Akaashi lowered his head. I don't think I've ever heard you laugh, or seen you smile for that matter. He paused. "Were you ever friends with Bokuto?" Bokuto blinked slowly. It reminded him of his home Bokuto nearly bumped into Akaashi as he stopped to enter his room. Akaashi turned away and frowned. I didn't cry either I just assumed it was a dreamwhich i really hope it wasotherwise id be so sad, oop i thought it was like, he died and that was the vision he had before dying/was their afterlife. Bokuto's breathing was quiet, and his hand never really remained still for a long time. He was redirecting the pain. right so, bokuto passes away while akaashi is in his hands, and basically at the end i'm pretty sure akaashi has a hallucination of bokuto where he says "I found you." Staring down wide-eyed at the floor of the hospital room, Bokuto fought to find words. Our teams would face each other often. Relaxing his head against the crook of Bokuto's neck, Akaashi blinked wearily and stared off into the distance. I was actually thinking of taking my leave soon, as well-", "What? "Yes.". He could feel Bokuto's chin rubbing against the top of his head, like it always did. Akaashi would also murmur quiet things to him from time to time, to keep up a small, often one sided conversation. Bokuto was the first to notice this, but had also been the last to say anything about it. Akaashi sighed to himself, frustrated with how easily he'd given in to Bokuto's begging. Eventually, Bokuto drew back his hand and let it fall to his side. A trembling, tender laugh escaped Akaashi. Storms trigger them.". At other times, he would just tell him things that were on his mind. Apathy-kun. He stretched and stifled a yawn, pushed a hand through the mess that was his hair, and relaxed his head against Akaashi's shoulder. They don't pay much attention to me anyways!". i was disappointed they didn't fricking kiss and bokuto's death is just the saddest thing in the world. masked singer uk season 1 reveals . "I miss you guys. "What are you doing? Akaashi kicked his legs out of bed with much effort and stood on his feet. He urged him to keep the blanket around him, but Bokuto insisted that he leave it behind. Akaashi doubted that he'd ever have Bokuto over again, so hearing him say 'I'll have to watch it again,' didn't sit too well with him. "I said come." caohezi, soggycereaal, Eclipce_Kitty, sisachoo, Moonlight_Starlight, coffeeeejelly, NagitosOnlyHope, Cat_man, whaleinsea, cupcakehinata, eve_ilDoll, Levida, Hallow_Darkfrost, KeeganIsVeryDead, idyllicjade, aizawasscarf, Bl00d_Gutz404, lemon_lime2021, mxrey, Average_Fangirl330, Mii15, jevil_Jay, linom, Gay_MentallyIll_Rat, jellyforfish, Len_Kiwi, barwinek, Another_Usuario, ry_jv, hyaracinth, si11y1i1y, f4iiries, Melicity, ImmediatelyWriting, Wigglyflapjacks, zhengokokok, hualiansss, ordeal, DinDin_akdifbsidsbdi_human, stxrsprxte, anonymousxbelle, Hypsilon, BubblegumTerminator, DrarryxLover, xumiun, Vas_vlas, Alidareisss, Penepon, FivePointsManhattan, Rey_xx, and 28352 more users "I know you aren't going to ask, so I'll just let you know. This time, a weak sound left Bokuto's throat through a closed mouth, and he nodded. Can't be that Akaashi has ffi it's genetic and really really really rare like there's only 45 families that have the gene for it and I doubt Akaashi's from one of those, I hate yet love how the fandom can come up with the most depressing things like bro Im still not over the fanart people made for it. He couldn't find his pulse. Kuroo rubbed his elbow, irate, and sighed in defeat. So when they say they found each other, I think it means that Bokuto found Akaashi even after he died, and Akaashi knew it was really Bokuto in his dream, so he found Bokuto. Akaashi? He smelled sort of like a hospital. Something told him that those words weren't meant for the movie, but Akaashi shoved this thought away. Bokuto reached a hand out, aimlessly trying to swat Akaashi's own hand away. He carried a look on his face that made him seem more sinister than sincere, and his eyes flitted from Kenma to Akaashi, and then back to Kenma. He stalked over to the other side of the bed, where he would be able to look at Bokuto's face. Someone with DID has multiple, distinct personalities. His head rested against the bed, slumped to the side, facing away from Akaashi. Akaashi's eyes widened slightly, and his eyebrows knit together in surprise. So then why was he so cheerful about his entire situation? "You don't. He pulled a mock cool expression, but this was cut short as someone else spoke up. "Are you sure you should be going out in the cold like that?". There was something strange about the excitement in his tone. "Stop trying to act like this isn't such a big deal You may not think it is, but I" He paused and reached his arms out to get in another shove. He'd only spoken to Kuroo once before, and they barely exchanged any words. They don't know how to H-heal me, so" From beneath the blanket, Akaashi could see Bokuto's shoulders rise and fall. "So Three hours is nothing." "Drowning in something black, sort of like tar. "I envy you. I wish I could sleep like that again.". Feeling an amount of guilt build up within his chest, Akaashi pulled out his phone just as quickly as he'd hid it away. If there was one thing that Akaashi had learned about Bokuto in the little time that he'd known him, it was that he wasn't too fond of staying locked up indoors. He dug his thumb nail into the side of his index finger and returned his gaze to Bokuto. Did you just Say that to yourself?". A sheepish grin curled Akaashi's lips. His hands quivered as he dug his nails into his knuckles. Thin lips pressed into an even thinner line. "The gymnasium's about ten minutes that way." Bokuto lay there glass-eyed, his welled up tears glinting in the dim lighting of the room. January 19th, 6:40pm. He looked back down at the game screen. That's all?" "It's just how I am. He walked ahead quickly, straight into the room. He only looked like a tall, thin, black mass now as he stood near the stairway. He felt like he could enjoy Kozume's company, what with how his words lacked all form of emotion. "Fatal Familial Insomnia? I loved this. Kuroo would have been concerned if not for finding out what had happened earlier that day. Kuroo started down the hall, Bokuto trailing after him. It would hurt if he did. ], [I see. He chuckled and rubbed at his face wearily. Why did he lack the understanding of just how serious his condition was? "I am. I never said that I was.". Akaashi frowned and felt that familiar pain pierce his chest. The condition can cause memory loss, delusions or depression. Akaashi spoke in a calm, slow voice. Bokuto had his head turned away. Akaashi paused for a long moment and said nothing for a while. There was definitely a storm coming his way, so Akaashi knew that Bokuto would need him. He was happy where he was. It seemed more along the lines of an act of affection, or at least as affectionate as Kenma could get, which wasn't much. You don't look like shit." His eyes widened as much as they could. Bokuto grabbed Akaashi's hands with his own. He stared up at the ceiling and sighed. (31) 3351-3382 | 3351-3272 | 3351-3141 | 3351-3371. puppies for sale in nc under 200 associe-se. "I was drowning." Bokuto only complied and stuck his entire arm out instead, watching as each individual snowflake passed around his limb, as if none wanted to touch him. His phone was there. Bokuto looked up, surprised, and glanced back down at the snack in his hands. Akaashi sighed. So i havent seen ppl talking about this so i m guessing i m the only one who thinks this and its prolly CRAZY but HEAR ME OUT i think akaashi is now have same disease as bokuto and first he coulndt fell asleep and now he is also seeing hallucinations and prolly he will also die like bokuto but the diffrence being he was there for bokuto but sadly there will be no one by his side and he will die alone but surely with a smile on his face cause he can finally meet bokuto in after life. Feeling that it would be rude to interrupt Bokuto's conversation with whoever the other person was, Akaashi strode over to the seats and sat one chair away from the gaming stranger. Akaashi is dreaming and he sees bokuto in his dream and most ppl think this also. He made his way up the same path, walking swiftly and without pause. Keeping his eyes closed, Akaashi took in the feeling of this. what disease did, bokuto have in another life. ", Akaashi turned his head to face Kuroo. That familiar feeling of dread was rising from deep within him, something Akaashi wanted to forget. He found that speaking was taking much more energy than he thought. He was getting frustrated. Akaashi wanted to scream, but he couldn't find his voice. Was he just playing the fool after all? Bokuto shifted as he lay down, sticking a leg out to kick Akaashi. Bokuto didn't respond. Then I'll have to walk you to the hospital before the doctors find out you're missing and lose their minds. Akaashi felt that his words were a bit bitter, but he had no other way of telling Bokuto the truth. Just what kind of guy was he? There's a storm coming. I am, now.". Bokuto mouthed an "Okay," before backing up several steps. "Give me a break here." Kuroo's voice was reserved and reluctant. A light hearted laugh bubbled out from deep within his chest, and the sound filled the room as soon as it hit the air. He was staring outside at the white clouds that shrouded the skies, mesmerized by just how colorless it made everything seem. A cold shiver curled up Akaashi's spine. He spoke just loudly enough for Bokuto to hear him. ", "Yeah Yeah. It wasn't like Bokuto to question what he said in such a straightforward fashion. I do.". He only bundled himself up in the sheets that surrounded him. "Don't record me.". Get help and learn more about the design. They go back a couple of years.". But even if he has, that's not what I meant." Akaashi shared a bench with Kenma. "This is Kuroo, a close friend of mine. The disembodied voice came from off screen. I don't regret meeting you.". The hospital AU that no body asked for, but that I took upon myself to write. He then stared at Akaashi, waiting for his response. Bokuto beamed at him with a smile that spoke a thousand words, and his hand reached out to touch Akaashi's cheek. I know Im asking for spoilers but I still want to know the anticipation is killing me! "Why did you stop so suddenly? Genres Fan FictionLGBTRomanceBoys LoveAnimeQueerManga 104 pages, ebook Published January 1, 2015 Book details & editions I thought it was what you wanted". Akaashi pulled his arms in close, wrapping the sheets around himself. "It's not fair. "You do? And here he is". He understood how that would be alarming to some people. I recommended this book to my friend Sophia, and she cried too. He almost didn't want to come today, either. The ending is Akaashi dreaming, but Bokuto's soul/spirit is with Akaashi in his dream, and Bokuto "found him" In another life. (See the end of the work for more notes.). fandom for a reason, but reading it hit so much harder than I anticipated. There was no hiding it. He lost the ability to walk a little more than a week ago. [Then I guess I'll see you at the hospital around a week or two from now. The sound of the palm of Bokuto's hand meeting the ball sounded much like an explosion. Another two weeks had passed since Akaashi had seen Bokuto, but this time, he waited outside of the hospital, several meters away from the entrance. "Do you want to watch a movie?". "And nothing you say will make me leave.". He watched Bokuto with a wary gaze, unaware of what he was to say next. "But" Akaashi shocked himself with that one word. It was his attempt at brightening the mood, or "being funny," as some called it, but alas, his words had fallen flat on the ground as he received another silent reply from Bokuto. Akaashi made sure to take a mental picture of this before he looked down and closed his eyes. He almost didn't want to ask the question. I know that I'm a lost cause. He studied the back of Bokuto's head, eying the messy strands of black and white hair that overlapped each other. He pulled the thick blanket over himself with much effort. He turned his phone so that it was facing him, opened his eyes, and read the three words that would haunt him forever. I never asked to be emotionally destroyed . "When have you ever tried to make a joke? The drastic weight loss was awful enough, but as if to add insult to injury, Bokuto's worsening condition also made it increasingly difficult for him to walk, move, and speak. "Well, I guess that's it for now. His hands tensed, relaxed, and rested against his neck. ", A laugh escaped Bokuto, the sound curling his lips into a smile. He entered his home with Bokuto in a matter of minutes, having walked faster than usual. Bokuto doesn't do well with those", "Ah" Kuroo looked at the ceiling, as if he would be able to see the clouds from there. ", Akaashi scratched his head. No one was bothered by him, so there he stood. He praises others while shouting that he's the best at everything he does. "You will get through this. The words echoed in Akaashi's head, as if they'd been spoken aloud. Sunlight broke into the room, cascading all along the walls and floor, and casting shadows all around. In another life. "What?". Akaashi shifted to the side to give his visitor more room. All he could do was stare at the melancholic performance that played out before him. Why do I let him do this? It's another reason why I didn't want to pay Bokuto any visits." "I'm often busy. Bokuto's fingers touched at Akaashi's knuckles. His breathing evened out and in no time, he could feel himself slipping, slowly, into the warm grasp of sleep, unable to resist. Akaashi literally found nothing special about Bokuto. [I'm excited for you to come over tomorrow! "Don't cry over it." He figured it was already past five in the afternoon. His fingers remained stiff for quite some time as his eyes read the introductory paragraph over and over again. People walked by him, around him, up and down the halls, to and fro, but no one seemed to notice him. "Is there something wrong with him? He held it up to his ear and waited for the other line to pick up. "Isn't that what humans do? Perplexed, Akaashi directed his full attention to Bokuto. "Okay." Imagine the looks on their faces when they see me coming in from the outside. I may not be as sharp as I used to, but that whole 'Time flies when you're having fun,' rule still applies to me, even today.". "Do you still think that you are the best?" His eyes were glued to Akaashi's, and Akaashi found that he was unable to look away. "What's the big deal? Bokuto swallowed thickly and toyed with the Pocky in his hand. It was small and measly, but there. But no matter how much he worried for him, Akaashi continued on their way to the window at a slow and steady pace until they finally made it. That night, he dreamt of the first night Bokuto had come over his home. "I'm fine." Bokuto tightened his grasp in that automatic way he always did. "I wanted to do s-so many things". Here we are. the chaotic, crazy, happy-when-he's-not-in-emo-mode bokuto crying absolutely broke me. Bokuto didn't allow him to finish his sentence as he embraced Akaashi suddenly. Akaashi pursed his lips and nodded once. "I don't want you to visit me anymore. "Three words? His back was facing the door, and Bokuto seemed to have all of his attention on him. "It's nice to meet you, Kozume. He was happy that he'd admitted those words. Bokuto has round, golden-colored eyes and spiky white-grey hair with black streaks; certain sections of it are done up as if to vaguely conform to that of an animal, strongly amplifying the uncanny resemblance he bears to a horned owl. And the I found you just shattered my heart like just smash it on the floor and step on it why dont you . His voice was low. Or maybe January? He glowered at nothing in particular. He could still see Bokuto's hand, and it had frozen in place. to enjoy it, and okay, maybe you'll regret it when you're crying so hard you might pass out at 3am, but ultimately you'll be glad you read this masterpiece. You shouldn't be-". Exhaling heavily, Akaashi turned to look at the desk near his bed. He must have been. Akaashi pulled a solemn face and closed the laptop. Three times, Bokuto jolted awake involuntarily, and three times, he covered his eyes with his forearm and heaved a quiet sigh. "Five weeks ago, he was in shambles. He had probably lost a bit overtwenty pounds in the two months that passed. Kuroo echoed the words in agreement. I finished this months ago but it still hurts and just thinking about it makes me cry. Bokuto closed his eyes after that, one hand resting on the side of his head. As much as it infuriated him, he knew that Bokuto wasn't going to go anywhere unless he let him into his home first. But for what it's worth, my name is Bokuto.". Show him a movie or play a game with him that would result in him to calm down quickly. A gust of icy wind charged its way into the room in an instant, draining the warmth from everything it touched. He knit his fingers together and kept his eyes down, anticipating when the first boom of thunder would sound. Akaashi twisted his lips to the side and decided to bring up something else. Your interest is always appreciated. "I don't want to." "Just Because" He replied in what almost sounded like a surprised tone. He could practically hear the frown in his voice. (does that make sense?). I hope all is well. Several flakes had gathered on the outstretched limb, but they were not quick to melt. I knew this was the most notorious/popular fic in the Haikyuu!! "He's a bit more of An ass, to say the least." Complete and utter silence befell them afterwards. At some point during their walk home from the gym, Akaashi had agreed for Bokuto to spend the night at his house. He talked about you all the time when he first met y-". He could only watch as those tears fell at a faster pace, down onto his hospital gown and onto the floor. ", Small tears spilled out of Bokuto's eyes and rolled down his hauntingly placid features. He'd usually ask yes or no questions, ones that were easy for Bokuto to answer with a nod or shake of the head. "I just came from there. He took in a slow, deep breath and closed his eyes, and his eyebrows knit together for only a second. I can.. B-arely speak. He was trying everything he could to psych himself into doing at least something to let Bokuto know that he was there for him. btw, HERES THE DISCORD SERVER!! Also, when people say they cried at something, at times it's not literal, it also might mean that it feels like they're going to cry or something like that. Loud, though.". He had to force himself to say the mere four words. Before then, he would normally lose several pounds a week, but ever since the night he'd snuck out, his weight loss could only be described as alarming.