Personally I don't think there is ever a legetimate reason to do so. Finally, Sam Heughan is human. Anyway what a wannebe app , imagine having to date a "normal" person smh. She needs a shorter haircut. The fans would be eternally grateful for the opportunity to purchase Sassenach merchandise whilst travelling.The Peakers could organise runs between Shelters, each stop staffed with an Ambassador, dressed from head to toe in Sassenach Tarton,selling "Wee Nips"of Sassenach Whisky in paper cups signed by the great man himself. . And of course the persistent Shippers have money, and so they have to be kept on board with innuendo, hearts eyes and SM games. R419 agree that he got himself (partly) trapped I wholeheartedly disagree with the fact that he shouldn't be allowed or shouldn't have a right to comment on Trump or other politicians and political matters. ", Hmm. or he's going for the hetero me Tarzan look (anal itch is another possibility I guess). Sam Heughan should be held up as a classic example, to every aspiring young actor, on how not to manage your career.For at least the past 4 yrs he's objectified himself at every opportunity and in every way possible. Admire his work but just wondered. Not much help, I know, but hopefully someone else can give a better explanation. What is chilling to me re her post are some of the comments Oh, my God I am screaming!, Ive met him and he winked at me! My monies on him going alone , or perhaps taking Marina .. [R423] When I heard about Schofield I thought it would resonate with Heughan. . Poor guy was out of the closet and had to go right back in when they cast him. Removing a mole like the one on Sam's face is a complex procedure requiring plastic surgery and healing time. Pass thanks. Hello, I make a query. If the HW powerbrokers thought they'd still make the $$ out of casting openly gay actors in leading/romantic roles, they'd probably do it. Add younger homophobic stans to the list. The gay talk just won't die, will it? They are based in glasgow. How would you react if any blog you enjoyed reading closed up shop and went private? Please complete the process by verifying your email address. Imagine deciding that you just had to get into Jess private blog, despite knowing you werent wanted. Thats the excuse you used to explain how you knew about me. A hell of a lot of celebrities are on it, and it probably attracts a lot of wannabees and IG posers - if they can get on of course. ), and straight (just for argument's sake) it doesn't make him look a hetero hero, just a dime a dozen rapidly aging sleaze who gets off with Playmates (again assuming it's her). Especially now, when theres a need for new content? To promote Scottish culture and Great Glen Company products , to a world wide audience,a unique, theatrical production of Macbeth. Carry on. Or maybe a theme from a movie or TV : The Mask; The Riddler; Liar, Liar; The Secret Life of Us. O dear Sam, holy MARY. r187 SH, long term lover of sci-fi, seems to have been a bit star-struck with Shitner in the beginning, and then he probably saw the old creep as having connections that could benefit him, and of course Shitner has a lot of business links and experience, including launching the James T. Kirk Bourbon. [R324] he may do hundreds of publicity interviews like Fallons but it doesn't mean he enjoys them . are all cancelled (they will play to empty stadiums and the games will be broadcast - sob!!). So yes, openly gay men CAN effectively play a hetero love interest. But yes, max 4 weeks in the theaters, then straight to DVD or VOD in Europe. All his games can't work around factors like this. How do you know I said that, newbie? r343 Well, according to the ever-energetic Purv, Georgia Ellenwood, the Canadian athlete associated with Under Amour who went to a football game with him in Chicago, is 'fixing to spend some more time with TMGD' - maybe she can polish it up - this is based on a Q + A Georgia had on IG where she said she wants to keep her relationship private, and she is visiting England and Scotland and moving to the US west coast. [R349] Well that brightened up my Monday Morning ! Only had room service, didn't come to the bar, never was seen checking in or out. Ignoramus here !Notice in my account I am told how many WW votes I have.. So maybe were wrong all the time and the fat guy must be here for a longer time we didnt know.". How right they are: " C'mon. Thats the objectionable part of the deal, not whether he likes meat or seafood." Eye-F*** selfies and constant self promotion. R500 I also find it ironic Tyson's flowery suit looks gay. But they have been periodically exchanging tweets and comments for quite a while. Producers of his new movie want our actor to be everywhere this summer promoting the movie, so his people think a new beard is a great idea. And who takes the pics, Duncan is posting on his IG? Also he seems very annoyed with CB(and vice versa), her reaction to "the sexiest couple". r425 - Please re-read my post - I have no doubts about his sexuality and you will see that I did refer to bearding. He needs to take a break from the tweeting and the selfies - please, for Christmas. There's a queen here alright, but it ain't me and it ain't Jess. Whatever it takes, I suppose. Could it be Alex Nourozi? Ross Morrell @MrRoss86. I'm delighted by the absurdity of this message. We do!' My son worked for a large TV company and he told me drugs are very readily available. A little flurry of speculation on tmblr that Heughan and actress Kate McNamara (Shadowland, Arrow) may be/going to be getting together. For his outing, Sam looked cool in a dark gray peacoat paired with black trousers, boots, and a black baseball hat. Or even dirks? Here's an example of those homophobic stans and beards defenders [post redacted because thinks that links to their ridiculous rag are a bad thing. JEESUZ], back to POSTER 2: you do know any gay guy in the closet and hiding who admits publicly to be gay and whose friends out him?? It's usually about money with him. Directed by Grayham Mactavish and staring , a mostly naked, Sam Heughan as Macbeth. Wouldnt JA want something a little classier for such a major star? His rank commercialism must put him pretty low on the scale of desirable /serious /dedicated actors in the eyes of many casting directors. If were're taking bets on who will accompany Heughan to the Scottish Baftas I'd put my money on Graham Mctavish or Duncan. Might have reached a wider audience if it wasn't this expensive but then the tartan scarfs are expensive too(at least they are handwoven). They seem to have been friends (that's friends) for quite some time - even the great Purv said 'nothing to see here' in June last year. He cant be! But then Putin introduced anti-gay legislation this summer sobeing a gay personI switched to Rudolf Nureyev videos instead. (Dont get all excited and victimy, Drama Queen. ?They speak like they have moles all over the world (Greater LA area) verifying facts and responds to commenters on that site like they are total idiots, just for asking a question. Caitriona has two best features: legs and face. It would be hard to not lose oneself when having to deal with that insane fandom. Im no genius, but heres where my mind goes: I called out someone on my private blog who I think is a Tumblr phony, and I said I thought they were Paul Camuso. Outlander star Sam Heughan really loves being Scottish. And he got two honorary doctorates (SH, dont make speeches, you are not good at it), and hobnobbed with Charlie Windsor and assorted aristocrats. No - tied to his PR games, his showmancing, fauxmancing, straightwashing, his own words 'nothing straight about my Bat', 'boring an homosexual never go together but thank you for the compliment' etc etc and etc. Given the visceral hatred that some OL fans have demonstrated about an openly gay actor playing Jamie they would be right in some genres. Sam . Sam Heughan shares a silly photo of Caitriona Balfe from 'Outlander' set. Wasn't so important that Cait be sold as a single, heterosexual woman. Sam is well suited to his role in OL not because he is gay but because he is a fine actor. Over to you, SH. She is the very worst and is a coward for blocking me and not allowing feedback to her vile posts. He will have to wait until it's done and probably a few years still after that. She does look rather like her. However it's been enjoyable having fewer sweaty gym shots and more pictures of the glorious Scottish country side in recent weeks. Become a contributor - post when you want with no ads. But, a new angle.. drum roll..steady..wait for it. '"Camuso and his sidekick Purvelina control this disgusting site". He knows his target fangirl market, particularly in the US. Just dress him in a two numbers to tight purple suit. Any botox she may have at this point isn't over the top. His recent twitter post, whether it was actually by him or his PR, did make a very valid point many of the posts and comments to and about him ARE objectifying, and would NOT be acceptable if they were made to or about a woman, so, he's right, they shouldnt be made to or about him. Apparently there is a new interview with SH out (mentioned on tumblr but no detail on who it was with and where it is to be found) - according to tumblr comments, in it he refers to being very, very busy and finding it hard to date. Sam's whiskey is featured in Forbes magazine..It's better than the usual tabloids. Just remember the sun block, Sammy. After the 2020 presidential campaign of Donald Trump, the group officially changed its name to Sam and the Delta Variants. Obviously a new strategy by JA. My source doesnt want to be revealed! r366 Yeh, it can be pretty frustrating. Good that he's laid off the more extreme body building stage: what a hunk - of gristle. Underneath all the attention-seeking, the hetero games, the straightwashing, the bizarre innuendo, Heughan is still a fine actor and he ain't going to get anywhere further with Starz - living in a box indeed. Leading to Purv comment on Sam and Sophie NOT dating because that would make him a pervert. He does spend rather a lot of time flirting with Tobias Menzies , you almost wonder if he had some sort of crush on him. {R267] Just think of the possibilities Alex.World domination of the Bus Shelter market. 'Samday services"? But I dont need to do this. Sailingdude's opinion of the latest games? Apparently with Raya you have to be invited, have 2 referrals from current members, submit a photo montage set to music and submit your IG account for approval when you apply. Someone emailed this to me. No, no they didnt. In the meanwhile Duncan Lacroix is congratulating Valbo(Sam's friend and MPC colleague).. Maybe Heughan was paid a big fat fee for joining. No one is immune to his charms. If you lock your doors at night, do you expect safety for your efforts, or do you expect your neighbors to break in and go rummaging through your house? Oh dear, Heughans suit at the OL premier makes him look as if he's had breast augmentation . The Scottish Sun will be next. Hirsch finally made clear that SHs OL role was hetero eye candy this had been clear almost since S2, and the show continued to become more and more patchy as Jamie got emasculated and Claire crossed her arms, looked stink face and dominated the supposed love of her life. As a matter of fact, Sam as Jimmy really creeped me out when he tried to make a pass at Eiza Gonzlez's character KT. Yeh, Ross Morrell - I strongly suspect that a hell of a lot of pressure was put on that guy to leave SM - all a bit strange. Either way not so many opportunities for underpants adds !! (Someone just remember the polishing cloth for TMGD). SM is erupting: a female fan pinched Sams butt onstage at a con today. The old threads about Gay Sam Heughan are still posted in the Datalounge archive, although certain shills and homophobic trolls have spent years trying to derail and close down these discussions: This could explain Sam's weird 'friendship' with William Shatner and Paul Camuso.. [quote]The 34-year-old native Scotsman admits he was desperate to get cast on Outlander, in part because of executive producer Ronald D. Moores work on Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica, and he even managed to get some time on the lunch break during his screen test to talk to Moore about Captain Kirk. The OL fandom would lap them up and never notice the difference Pity your friend didn't tip the homophobic ladies off their bar stools ! He is directly responsible for the reduction in size of thousands of very enormous bottoms, for encouraging healthy diet and exercise, for giving people confidence, for creating supportive communities and for raising impressive amounts of money for charity. The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. "Trashy, B-Movie", gay actor Sam heughan is not even mentioned in the most of the reviews. Actual straight guys don't need PR firms, shills, flacks, red carpet rottweilers and beards to disprove anything. Maybe thats why theres something off about her post and also the replies. This is the best interview of SH Ive ever seen. Can't really blame him. I can think of a few possibilities for this - see next post. They worm their way in and if youre not paying attention, theyll catfish the fuck out of you. I love it when Sam decides to speak the truth . And his bearding activities could take a hit too - there are likely to be really diminished crowds in touristy areas such as Malibu Pier for him to conveniently do a hetero pap walk. All $$ in the coffers. Well, waddaya know - right on the eve of the Bloodshot premiere the name of a new beard is reportedly being fed to the inboxes of various bloggers. So no amount of publicity of any kind is going to help it much by then. Everything is contrived in this fame and fortune chase. When Sam used to be with Luke Neal all the time, everywhere -long trips around the world, Outlander premieres, parties.If Luke were a woman, his stans would have said without a doubt, that they were a couple. Jamie is a Scottish Superman, for sure! Thoughts on OL s05e01? OK, Purv, you keep on indulging your penis fantasies.). What an utter embarrassment. Yeh, some of the poses have been pretty vomitous - carrying a fan on his back, crotch to crotch posing etc and apparently one that has been dubbed 'the serial killer one' (not seen as thankfully it seems to have been blocked on tumblr). Also Cait must have glued herself to the walls at Graham's wedding lol. In a new shirtless Instagram photo . Does this indicate general agreement with my posts ?. Heughan and Hoare have started following each other on IG (now that's a twist on bearding,following the supposed ex bf). Watched the Bloodshot trailer with Heughan in his cyber suitthought it made him look kinda sexy.. His career could do with a " stand out " performance , certainly that didn't happen in The Spy Who Dumped Me No idea what his performance is going to like in S.A.S Red Notice.. If they broke into your house, would you think it perfectly fine that they shared what they found while rummaging in your drawers with other people? How anyone can have any doubts about his sexuality after watching his latest interviews beats me.He looks to have had extensive Botox and to be wearing feminine , luminous , foundation makeup and some kind of lip tint if not actual lipstick.. [ I know some make up has to be worn on TV ] He certainly does look more androgynous than ever,. A good business doesn't (necessarily) need a famous face anyway. I was just a reader at the time. A response to her post pointed out the Paul Newman gig was completed last week. (yeh, OK). (JA, OL fans, buyers of his products, casting agents, whoever he is dealing with on a particular day). Maybe SH doesn't really care knowing that the cultists will worship him anyway, but not sure that aging pussy hound is the image JA was going after. So one of Heughan's fan clubs seriously thought that it should be registered as a real Scottish clan? Straight fantasies and money - and the closet.". We are a single-malt tasting group of long-standing, so it is quite likely that we are a bit biased in our preferences, but even newbies in our group thought it to be overly sweet, and the bottle is beautiful but it looks like a perfume bottle. I'd say it's time to ban the troll again. This is Real! Call going in to Beards R Us perhaps? [R184] If Heughans got any sense he'll be somewhere hot, with a significant other, having a sea , sex and sand holidaynot necessarily in that order !! Can't imagine many of them will develop a whisky drinking habit and order more.. Agree it makes sound marketing sense for him to suggest parties and photos etc but I can't help finding his manipulation and exploitation of his unwitting , idolising fans deeply distasteful .