(What) Youd feel better sitting on me. Your clothes seem expensive; too bad Ill be ripping through them tonight. 1. Im so relaxed around you that I dont even have to hold my farts in. Care to give me yours? Because you have the appearance of Tinkie Winkie. Knock, knock. Do you have a fever? Your lips must feel heavy. Is your name Wi-Fi? Are you a library? Because Im not sure where that one was going. Privacy Policy. Because you look out of the world! Because I want to be chained to your heavy machinery. Oh never mind, it's just a sparkle. Honderdmusic 5 yr. ago. No wonder the sky is all cloudy and gray today, all the blue is hiding in your eyes. Have you ever purchased a vibrator before? Typically, pick up lines consist of a witty one liner. Im not an organ donor, but Id be happy to donate my heart to you. Gopher who? Today I finally realized why I was feeling empty. Hope youll go out with me! Your body is 70 percent water, and I am hella thirsty. You must be gold because Im in Au of your beauty. Note: This is meant to whittle down on the "Pickup Line for xyz" posts. South Central Jupiter Island, FL. I gotta show you the most handsome man I have ever seen. Is your name Rudolph? Wendy you think we can go on a date? Cuz Ive been waiting for you all day. I want to drop something into you. Be careful! Which one is good for us? Do you fish? Because whenever you pass, I fall like leaves. Do you use the same Hi, Hello? What can I do for you? Aside from stealing hearts, what do you do? Youve got a nice set of legs. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. Cause in a minute youre gonna be Oliver this dick. I hope youre not cancer, because youre dressed to kill tonight! So go ahead, and enjoyyyyyy! The FBI is looking for me, can I hide inside you? When you want to make them smile, use funny pick up lines but in an attempt to make them laugh, dont go overboard and ruin everything instead. You are unreal like the square root of -1. 21. That broadens your horizon. Now that we have it all sorted for you, go ahead and make the best use of the examples that fit your purpose perfectly. A Herd. Do you have the w-Hole because I just have a thing. Excuse me, could you check if there is something wrong with my eyes? Fortunately, I have another pair. 2. I hate it when people pull my hair. Cause Im not going to use you! Can I crash at your place tonight? This list can be used whenever your conversation takes a bad or boring turn. Continue with Recommended Cookies. There are many fish in the sea, but youre the only one Id like to bring home. You are the guy with the gorgeous smile. 8. So, be careful of what you say, because you dont wanna offend anyone at least not your crush. Are you related to Yoda? Me neither but it broke the awkwardness right? I must be in a museum, because you truly are a work of art. Are you an exam? You cause my dopamine levels to skyrocket! Will you allow me to thank you with a date? If your heart is broken, come to me. Norma Lee. Where do I have to sign up for a makeout? Give me yours so I can prove it to you. Nothing more attractive than a person who knows their history and apocalyptic conspiracy theories. I think I am suffering from a lack of Vitamin U! Youre like a Pringles. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Im going to need to step outside because you just took my breath away. The sparkle in your eyes is so bright; the sun must be jealous. Whos there? Good thing I have a library card because Im checking you out. Here are some super-cute, flirty romantic pick-up lines that will make your heart flutter and give you butterflies! Because you are taking my breath away. If you were words on a page, people would need glasses you are what they call FINE PRINT! Here are the best Christmas pickup lines to get in the mood (and no, they are not Santa-approved). 3. So, this one is for the ladies. Is your name winter? 5. Because youre radiating hotness! Hey, Im looking for treasure. Just Me n u. I wish Id paid more attention to science in high school, because you and Ive got chemistry and I want to know all about it. Yes youre the medicine i need everyday, My favourite thing to do is Netflix and cudde, its like cuddling and watching Netflix but with Noelle, Is it alright if I call you Madi for now, Ill put the son in you later. My names Mr. No word in the dictionary can describe the way you look. My lips are like Skittles. Wanna f*ck without taking them off? Are you a sergeant? Im suddenly feeling like a vampire, and I want to eat you out alive. Can I buy you a drink, then get sexual? Also my last name is Coyne pronounces coin and I would love to have people call me penny because, ya know penny Coyne would be an awesome name. Swiping left and right on Tinder can get pretty mundane, so the key to landing a date (or late-night booty call) is making sure your first message is not only a clever linebut something totally worth responding to. If you were a triangle, youd be acute one. Hit your man with these super fun and flirty pick up lines and lock your date for the night! That Christmas tree isnt going to be the only thing with an angel on top of it. It is because all of the light is within you. My phone isnt working, can you try giving me a call? Wow! Have a strategy before throwing a pick-up line. You watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Im not sure if asking you out makes me brave or if its because Im tired of settling for less. Is your phone in your back pocket? I must be a beaver because I am dying for your wood. Are you a boxer? Most nicknames are gotten from shortening the name itself. 14. Sticks and stones may break my bones, But whips and chains excite me. 4. Cause you are a-macing. Kissing is said to be the language of love, so do you want to start a conversation with me? If you would be a steak, you are definitely well done. People sometimes want you to slide into their hearts before you get into their pants. Do you smoke pot? However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission. Then you should have these dumb and stupid pick up lines up your sleeve. Someone said Laughter is the best medicine and I couldnt agree more. Water who? By Elisa Cinelli Just wanted to let you know, you have some cuteness on your face. Did you know that your body is made up of 60% water? Hey! Do you have an extra heart? But, if your partner and you are in the mood for something romantic and lovey-dovey, dont miss out on the pick-up lines listed down below! Boy, if I were a fly, I would be all over you, you are too sweet. . Of all your curves, your smile is my favorite. Are you good at deciding dating places? [Why?] All your pics came through at a 45-degree angle. Im good at mending. We have a lot in common, according to a mutual friend. Owl who? Id like to take you to the movies but they dont let you bring in your own snacks. You have just abducted my heart! Chill, the pick-up lines that I have compiled for you will practically BLOW your. If you need a good name suitable for a lady named Chloe, you will find several cute, creative, and popular Chloe nicknames in this article.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'findnicknames_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_3',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-findnicknames_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Chloe is a female name of Greek origins, meaning blooming or fertility. Early mentions of the name Chloe can be traced to the ancient Greek character in the novel Daphnis and Chloe.. Do you happen to have a pencil? Popular Baby Names. If you were a fruit, youd be a fine-apple. I could take a picture of it and send it to you. Ive always hated my name and Id rather have a nick name. And you would too after youve skimmed through this super fun list of pick up lines. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. 4. Is there a light switch on my forehead? If I had a choice between watching the Olympics and talking to you, I would rather talk to you. Because you totally sleigh. "I'm rich and have a medium sized penis". Yes, you, the man of my dreams! So for all the women who cant wait to sweep her partner off her feet here are a few failproof lesbian pick up lines. This is the same prefix in the word chlorophyll, the substance that gives plants their green color, and through which they convert sunlight into energy. Thats you. 4. Thank goodness I remembered my library card! 3. Closter: A cool nickname for Chloe. Since dating majorly happens in the online world, these are the best pickup lines to use over text to get that foot in the door. Cause Im gonna bang you on every piece of furniture in my house. Because you add a glimmer to my life. And Im seriously happy we matched. Eyesore do like you! Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Only use this one sometimes. Either I need my eyes checked or youre the most attractive (wo)man Ive ever seen. Owl be seeing you soon, right? Because you blew me away! Its literal translation refers to young shoots of foliage that appear in the spring. Derived from ancient Greek "Khlros," meaning a shade of pale greenish-yellow color, Chloe can change to Chlo in its Dutch, French, and English forms. Are you still a virgin? Four and four become eight, but you and I can be fate. Do you want to visit Pisas Leaning Tower? Im not sure what your name is, but Im sure its as lovely as you are. 11. (Licking his finger and wiping it on his shirt) Lets get you out of these drenched garments. My name is Peter Pan, cuz I can take you to Never Never Land. Nice to meet you, I am (your name). Works every time. Is your partner comfortable with lewd jokes? Because I can see myself in them. Christian Pick Up Lines Related To Stories From The Bible. If I were the judge, Id sentence you to spend the rest of your life with me. India who? Would you like to use me as your blanket? 6. If the ocean was full of wine, then you shouldve been mine. Let me hit you! Then read ahead and dive into these, Cant wait to get freaky with your significant other? Do you have a sunburn or something? You must be the sun because I might get a sunburn looking at you. As Head Of Content Operations, Harini sets the tone and editorial direction for StyleCraze to deliver engaging, interesting, and authentic content revolving around women's health, wellness, and beauty. Read the first word. Because I want you Altima self. Are you a baby dragon or a bdsm freak? Make these pick up lines written for the different common girls name work for you! Here are a few ideas! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Elisa is a well-known parenting writer who is passionate about providing research-based content to help parents make the best decisions for their families. I should call God and tell him Ive found His missing angel. Don't use nicknames as a tool to hurt others. Cause Ive got a feeling Im gonna occasionally talk to my other friends about how annoying you are. (Why?) If we were astronauts, we would have started from Uranus. Because he never met you. Lets frame it. Its cold and I am in the mood for some body heat! Id be in a higher tax bracket if I had a dollar for every time I thought of you. 7. I want to see if its true that food tastes better when Im with you. Well look great on a wedding cake together. Hey, they call me coffee cause I grind so fine. If you agree to be my Santa, Ill let you slide down my chimney tonight. You must be an elevator because I would go up and down on you. (How?) Will you be my couch because I feel absolutely exhausted. and take a dip in your sauce. Because I want U, K? Because Im currently looking at mine. Would you like another one? Do you like to bake? Im no photographer, but I can picture us together. Can I have your picture? No? Beautiful who? 4. I play travel softball and a new girl joined our team and her name is also Chloe so it gets really confusing sometimes, so one of my coaches started calling me C.C which is what I want everyone to call me but all my friends on my team have known me for 3+ years so they only know me as Chloe so that cant really happen. Because you have got Full Beauty! We have compiled a list of the best ones that you can use at a moments notice to flirt with that special someone and get their attention. You have the best smile Ive ever seen. I think I fell for you; the way snowflakes fall. So, what are we waiting for folks? Quick, have your way with me! Because youre dressed to impress! Knock, knock. 15. Well, you sure are my type. Do you want to pick up girls after introducing yourself and your name? Youre too beautiful for any of the pick-up lines Im familiar with. I believe one of my ribs belongs to you. For all the ones looking for something no ones ever used before Heres the ultimate compilation of unique pick up lines that you can ever find! Im not religious, but youre the answer to all of my prayers. I am planning for babies, will you be their mother/father? 2. Im sure youre an archaeologist because I have got a bone for you to examine. Cheese. You owe me a drink, because when I saw you, I dropped mine. Do you wanna build a snowman? Tinder doesnt play around with people who are too shy to express who they are to their potential romantic interest, so a simple hey is bound to leave you disappointed when you dont get a reply. I have an oral exam coming up, so can I practice with you? Do you have any experience with karate? Hi my name is Adam, I believe one of your ribs belongs to me. Or, are you always this hot? Forget the butterflies, I feel the whole damn Zoo when Im looking at you. Because I wanna be the one to kiss you in the morning. Police who? nicknames are gotten from shortening the name, 100+ Lovely Nicknames For Your Girlfriend (With Meanings), 1000+ Cool Gamer Tags and How to Create a Unique Gamer Tag, 500+ Cute Couple Nicknames For Him or Her, 1000+ Cute Nicknames For Girls (With Meanings), 154 Hindi/Indian Nicknames For Guys and Girls. and everyone just calls me chloe :/ booooring. Super Mario Bros. You are completely incorrect. Looking for candidates for a threesome isnt out-of-the-ordinary on Tinder, and turning the question into a knock-knock joke is a casual way to make it less awkward. Mention your sexuality on your Tinder profile and get going with all the right swipes! When Im around you I cant think straight. i got the name chlo-caine cause im an addict. I like taking challenges. Cause youre just my type. Editors note: This article is regularly updated for relevance. Blood is red, cyanosis is blue, I get tachycardia when I think of you. Stylecraze Says Always make eye contact with the person to whom you are addressing the pick-up line. Just remember that your pick-up lines should not offend anyone. Hi, I am The One, someone said you were looking for me? Do you wanna go on a date with me or do you wanna go on a date with me? READ THIS NEXT: 106 Tinder Pick-Up Lines That Will Definitely Get You a Date. Worried about getting to know someone better? But guess what If you have a fun pick-up line up your sleeve, youre at an advantage because these one-liners are great for clearing the air and leave them wanting more and more! Candice, Who? Whats his name, by the way? If I had to choose between breathing and loving you, Id choose to say I Love You with my last breath. Cmon, you dont remember me?! Just imagine, someone coming at you with a pick up line, when youre all worked up. Because your beauty is out of this world. 9. I dont know which is more mesmerizing your smile or your eyes! If girls were boogers, Id pick you first. Past threads: . Life without you is like a broken pencil: pointless. If your eyes were the sea, I would swim in them forever. The next set of pick up lines actually has the ability to turn your dream date into a nightmare! Roses are red, violets are blue. Please be a good chef because Im in the mood for some thick sausage with two eggs on the side. Your dad must be a terrorist because youre the BOMB. I am tired. Youre on my mind so much that I should charge you rent. Whos there? Cheese who? Because youve certainly tangled up my heart. 15. Who said Im stalking you? Whether they're successful depends on the scenario. You must be Espresso cause youre so fine. Because I really want you to leave Marx. What's this? If you have a heart to give, I will be the place to keep. Kiss me! You have no idea how many times I had to swipe left in order to find you! I hear youre looking for a stud. Are you good at math? Whats it like to be the most attractive (wo)man in the room? Im not feeling myself today. Knock, knock. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Nicknames can be used in several positive ways. Im not staring at your b**bs. I hear youve been looking for me. Home Pick Up Lines Other Pick Up Lines 850+ Awesome Pick Up Lines to Level Up Your Flirting Game (the best list EVER! Because youre CuTe. Aldo who? Anyone who claims that Disneyland is the happiest place on the planet has obviously never stood next to you! My life has been Rosey ever since I met you. (Start jingling your keys) These keys are useless! Is your mother a drug dealer? I ought to complain to Spotify for you. Do you have a map? 10. Because youre a total knockout. A (wo)man as hot as you shouldnt be allowed to roam around freely. We have so much in common! I heard a plane is there an airport nearby? Youre a Chinese person. If you were a transformer, youd be Optimus fine. Please let me show your picture to the scientists because I desperately wanna prove that angels do exist! Please enter the name of the person in the field below: Show NSFW pick-up lines (I am 18 or older) Name: Noelle Check out our top 21 questions to get to know someone better before you try out the pick-up lines. Quick, somebody needs to call the bomb squad. What does it feel like to be the most gorgeous girl in the room? Hey baby. woah this is actually good. Do you believe in God? Because you cause my heart to beat too quickly. I didn't know we would have a good time, till you showed up. Im good at algebra, so I could take your X and you wouldnt have to worry about figuring out Y. 6. So, giddy up, folks! Wow, you look a lot like my next girlfriend. Today, Chloe is a popular name for girls in the Western world. Is your name Oliver? The room became so lovely when I saw you. I woke up thinking today was just another boring Monday, and then I saw your photo on my app. Id say youre the bomb, but that might lead to a dangerous conversation. I just scraped my knee falling for you. Best Pick Up Lines 1. Is your father a jewel thief? So here are some. Do you know what I have in common with the Little Mermaid? Do you want to see me unload my six-shooter? Because youve added colors to my canvas. I was wondering if you were an artist because you drew me in so well. Your glass/mug is empty, and I couldnt help but notice. For all the perfectionists out there, these one-liners never miss the target. Cause Yoda only one for me. Cute pick-up lines can help you get past the awkwardness of meeting someone for the first time. Were you talking to me, Im sorry? Whos there? I just saw George Michael in the mens room. If you were a president, youd be BABEraham Lincoln. Knock, knock. Youd be a damnnn-delion if you were a flower. Obviously, otherwise, you wont exist to read this collection of the latest old-school pickup lines for boys and girls that still work. Or can I call you mine? October 10. Because Im gonna ask your father for your hand. Cupid called. Did you just breathe? Wire. We have prepared some clever and funny pick up lines. You must be an alien! Here are the. As a genderfluid person, I hate my name because its sounds so feminine, but I think Coco and Loe are nice. My cell phone isnt working properly. At ThePleasantConversation, she feels lucky to have the opportunity to share content capable of bringing about a change in the lives of the readers. I love you, who? If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Do you have glitter in your eyes because they are so damn sparkly! Harini Natarajan , Certified Emotional Intelligence Practitioner, Expertise: Relationships, Beauty & Lifestyle, Health & Wellness, As Head Of Content Operations, Harini sets the tone and editorial direction for StyleCraze to deliver engaging, interesting, and authentic content revolving around women's health, wellness, and beauty more. Do-ya. Are you a fan of the Teletubbies? 3. She is also a career coach, consultant and a certified mediator for individuals, families, couples and small businesses. Do you have any room for an extra tongue in your mouth? 5. Then you should be down there. Im doing research. Im going to make you come with a toy inside because you remind me of a Happy Meal. Thats why I am here at your rescue with some of the most cheesy, corny, extremely flirty, and lets not forget the dirty pick-up lines that you can use to spice things up! 20. You didnt think you stood a chance against me? Whos there? Well, that's me! 22. Heres my address: 69 Nood Avenue. Are you a keyboard? Cuz I wanna taste you again and again. Pickup lines are not a thing of the past. I dont think Ill ever want to sleep again after seeing you. Warm greetings on your birthday, sweetheart. Are you a taser? I do hope you know CPR because you take my breath away! Since youre here with me, Heaven might accuse me of stealing an angel. my mom has always called me chloebelle, i think thats just so cute. I can totally see the diamonds you stole and hid in your eyes. Whats the difference between your couch and me? Catherine Falls Commercial / Getty Images. That made absolutely no sense right? What phone number should I use when I text you goodnight later? Do you require a cooking partner? Cho-Cho: A creative nickname for anyone named Chloe, which could be used to tease her playfully. Its important to select a name that you feel suits your new baby the best. 5. Playing dumb, huh? Will you please take this (my hand) and hold it for me? Have you got a sweet tooth? COPY. Because I can feel a connection. My mom said she found a beautiful and intelligent girl for me. Because you blew me away! Is it just me or things are getting spicier? I just realized this, but you look a lot like my next girlfriend. You may have a crush on your friend but cant confess because youre scared of ruining the friendship. 3. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. She has also done a certificate Certified Emotional Intelligence Practitioner, Relationships, Beauty & Lifestyle, Health & Wellness. Boyfriend material. Can I borrow a kiss? Because it's a biblical name, different languages have adapted the spelling to fit into their stories.