Once the calf is placed on its sternum, vigorous stimulation of the calf by rubbing around the head or body and placing a finger or piece of straw in the nose should initiate a gasping reflex that helps aerate the lungs. (2017). } Testing How Much They Can Move. It may be difficult at times for a parent to understand the needs of his or her baby. Similarly, calves that do not respond to respiratory stimulation techniques and cannot sit up on their own after 10 minutes generally do not survive. It's best to be directly behind the calf when doing this. 0 Haha yes he normally does it when he's throwing a tantrum, in so scared he's going to hurt his neck. Signs of Overheating. Heat lamps must also be monitored to prevent burns. font-family: 'Droid Sans'; Symptoms of an Adverse Reaction to Rabbit Droppings. display: none !important; googletag.enableServices(); Sandifer syndrome causes serious back arching in babies that can last for up to 3 minutes. display: none !important; After all, an infant cannot speak, so it takes a bit of guesswork to determine the reason for each gesture or cry. being unsettled during feeding. var mapping16 = googletag.sizeMapping(). 0000015410 00000 n display: none !important; Push the tube quickly to the back of the throat and then go gently and slowly so the calf can swallow it. } Sometimes crying is accompanied by expressive body movements, including an arched back. Some babies with this condition might also have non-typical eye movements or torticollis, when a baby's head tilts to one side because of neck muscle contractions. Following dystocia, calves have an impaired response to cold temperatures. .review-percentage .review-item span span, Most babies with Erbs Palsy and other nerve damage from birth recover completely. Muscle cramps that occur during hard work or sports are called heat cramps. Muscle cramps that occur during hard work or sports are called heat cramps. A head snare may be used to put the head in the correct position. input[type="submit"], 19th ave apartments phoenix, az. A seizure can last for a few seconds. 2005-2023Everyday Health, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. If she's lying down as the calf slides out of the birth canal, she will generally raise her head and look over her shoulder to get a glimpse of the calf. A friend looked at it Sunday and said . display: none !important; But, sometimes if theyre spitting up and seem to have other symptoms, they may arch their back. Establishing a patent airway, initiating breathing, and establishing adequate circulation are the cornerstones to immediate calf survival. #buddypress ul.button-nav li a, /*Kurt*/ Make sure you take your new bundle of joy to all their regular check-ups. 0000001739 00000 n #buddypress div.item-list-tabs ul li.selected a, Mine too!! He's born with the instincts and skills to make breastfeeding work, just like other baby mammals are. The weak newborn calf is less likely to suck, is often unable to stand and therefore is at greater risk of suffering from hypothermia in cold weather, of being stepped or laid on or of not getting . These include (1): 1. } Muscle Cramps. .woocommerce-page .widget_price_filter .ui-slider .ui-slider-handle, Learn more about the signs of this condition in newborns and other high risk, You've tried everything, but still your baby won't nap. Call your veterinarian immediately for all V-1 calves; they have severe acidosis (and possibly other problems such as broken bones) and need extensive treatment to survive . 6. The Moro reflex is often called a startle reflex because it usually occurs when a baby is startled by a loud sound or movement. .share-post span.share-text, Your baby is vomiting. .tie-cat-60 a.more-link {background-color:Array;} Understanding maternal behavior in cattle can be beneficial in aiding the bonding process between cow and calf. We have had luck with a heavy dose of thiamine in similar situations but it seems like our calves were a little older when they did this. However, early and adequate colostrum intake is essential for passive transfer of immunoglobulins, energy, thermoregulation, and long-term survival. . } This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. For this reason, either hold your baby very tight or, when possible, place him or her down on a soft surface until the tantrum has subsided. I am a mother to two adorable little girls and a handsome little boy. #groups-list-options a.selected, The danger of vomiting was the most important argument for making the baby sleep on its stomach. #main-nav ul > li.menu-item-has-children:hover > a:after, Your little angel might have a head start on the terrible twos. var sf_input = '.search-live'; So i let her do it on the couch with pillows, supervised of course, and she has so much fun! The affected calf flicks its tongue outside and rolls it back inside the mouth, followed by swallowing saliva. body.single .post .entry a:hover, body.page .post .entry a:hover { It happens because a new babys tiny liver is not yet working properly, which causes too much bilirubin in the blood. How Do You Gain Weight While Breastfeeding? If he fails to swallow, it will go into his windpipe instead. .cat-box-content, .woocommerce-page span.onsale , Or they may still be able to move their hands by rotating their wrists. If your baby is premature, they might have more reflux. color: #ffffff; Some babies with this rare genetic type of seizure disorder may have them often, while others have them once in a while or not at all. Items Needed For Going Into Labor. Mayo Clinic Staff. You can distinguish between the Im-so-hungry cry and the get-me-out-of-this-soggy-diaper cry. Help! #buddypress a.button, 0000005619 00000 n } Heather Smith Thomas | Jan 27, 2011. Flies love calf poop so keep her back end clean, a little warm water and dish soap will do the trick.. Some babies arch their backs when theyre trying to roll over or move forward. Of course the single most important factor in calf survival is that it receives and absorbs adequate colostrum. 1 || Scooting on back or bunny hopping on legs instead of crawling. Weak calf syndrome presents as a newborn calf that is weak, unable or slow to rise, stand or nurse. Two . } He has hit his head hard, but it doesn't seem to phase him. Watery loose stools may follow within 12-24 hours. In a happy, comfortable, healthy baby, back arching likely has no cause and is just one of those things they do. Some signs of Sandifer could be mistaken for seizures. Animals, dust, molds and pollen in the air. Gassiness can be common in a babys brand new digestive system. .search-block:after { 5 || Limited desire to move, explore, or climb. Learn to be a good observer It's funny, I looked up white muscle disease, but ignored the Wikipedia entry. This chemical is left over from when your body breaks down blood. Congenital contractural arachnodactyly. 0000028997 00000 n access_time23 junio, 2022. person. Yellow-green. Symptoms of reflux in babies include: bringing up milk or being sick during or shortly after feeding. Hopefully you guys here could help me figure it out :D. See a translation. The weaker nerves lead to weaker muscles in the neck and shoulder. Woodham, Ontario. 0000087688 00000 n Or they may be finished feeding and want to go play. Since a calf is unlikely to voluntarily suckle after dystocia, it is recommended to feed colostrum via stomach tube (esophageal feeder) within one hour of birth if there is any doubt as to the calfs vitality. Signs of dystocia in a newborn calf include a swollen head or tongue, bruising, fractures, excessive fluid in the trachea or lungs, and brown or yellow staining of the hair coat from the meconium. Mayo Clinic Staff. Last medically reviewed on March 24, 2020, Understandably, repetitive movements like baby head banging can cause you concern. a.button, In response to the sound, the baby throws back his or her head, extends out the arms and legs, cries, then pulls the arms and legs back in. Symptoms include hot, flushed skin with high fever over 105 F (40.5 C). Without visible signs of discomfort, it is developmentally appropriate for your child to make this type of motion at this stage. If your baby is pulling their ear but doesnt have any other signs or symptoms, its most likely harmless. The calf must then find a teat and nurse. Learn more about your childs movements, other signs to note, and when to contact a, A humidifier for your baby may help ease the symptoms of a cold or other respiratory illness. a.tie-cart span.shooping-count, He's nearly 11 months and he's started throwing his head back along with the rest of his body normally when I have him in my arms, he's so strong I'm scared I'm going to drop him. Your babys delicate neck and back can get sprained in a difficult delivery. .widget.timeline-posts li a:hover span.tie-date:before { Which is the main point of colostrum. The truth is, your baby knows a lot more than most people think about breastfeeding. Some parents and caregivers. Only show this user. display: none !important; This may help to tempt an otherwise healthy calf to drink from a plastic teat, but it will not help with any of the . display: none !important; Will he grow out of it? Your babys pediatrician may recommend daily exercises to help make the neck and shoulder muscles stronger. However, in far NW Ohio, we will have to leave the door open to wet snow, Emergency calf management after a difficult birth. She suddenly started throwing herself back when she's mad. addSize([800,600], [[468, 60]]).//Tablethorizontal Sometimes it's kinda funny. :D. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove. [CDATA[ */ .tie-cat-125 a.more-link {background-color:Array;} Familiarize yourself with such behaviours, and try to memorize them for future reference. Babies arch their backs for many reasons or for no reason at all. #check-also-box { 18 Apr 2015. during the last two months of gestation cows should receive at least 2 pounds of protein per head per day to reduce the incidence of . Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). Just about anything might set off a temper tantrum. #main-nav ul li.current-page-ancestor a:hover, color: #545454; } } Also search tube feeding baby goats online and you will find a video. Fast heartbeat. One study showed that veal calves that displayed tongue rolling had no abomasal ulcers, while those that did not show this behavior had ulcers. It would come with other symptoms in particular, decreased movement in one shoulder and arm. } All information found on Myparentingjourney.com is intended for informational and educational purposes only. There are 3 main reactions to hot temperatures and heat waves. Same here. .woocommerce span.onsale, .widget.timeline-posts li a:hover, .tie-cat-9 .cat-box-content {border-bottom-color:Array; } Do not do this. coughing or hiccupping when feeding. } Vomiting can be the only symptom of a food reaction. B/4 starting, measure to the back of the ribs and mark the tube so you will know when you are in the stomach. Solutions and treatments for back arching in babies, orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/diseases--conditions/erbs-palsy-brachial-plexus-birth-palsy, mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/infant-acid-reflux/symptoms-causes/syc-20351408, mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/infant-and-toddler-health/in-depth/tantrum/art-20047845, rarediseases.info.nih.gov/diseases/9684/sandifer-syndrome, epilepsy.com/learn/seizures-youth/about-newborns-and-infants/seizures-newborns, nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/autism/conditioninfo/symptoms-appear. #1. #buddypress input[type=reset], Could not stand. Please select a reason for escalating this post to the WTE moderators: Connect with our community members by starting a discussion. width = 50; Learn more about the common causes of nap struggles, along with solutions to, Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. The calf is blind in the opposite eye to the abscess. .post-listing, The dream often points out that trouble will be ending soon. If your little one gets into the habit of this, look for warning signs like crying or being upset first. Your baby may be flapping their arms for many reasons. He's nearly 11 months and he's started throwing his head back along with the rest of his body normally when I have him in my arms, he's so strong I'm scared I'm going to drop him. Uncommon in infants, but main foods are eggs and peanut butter. .page-id-113030 header, .page-id-113030 footer { She is in good spirits and eating everything in sight. } Swimming alongside this 17-year-old female was a newborn calf. Feed him the recommended amount of whatever milk replacer you're using, and NO MORE! Why Is My Baby Pulling or Rubbing Their Ear? The calf might be a twin and mama only has milk for one, or a heifer's calf that isn't accepted by its mother, or a calf whose mother died. .woocommerce-page .widget_price_filter .ui-slider .ui-slider-handle, Some babies can have bouts of fussiness that last for several day or weeks. /*Lindsey*/ .tie-cat-7 .cat-box-content {border-bottom-color:Array; } Normally, the liver kicks in and clears up the bilirubin by the time your baby is a couple of weeks old. #main-nav ul li.current-page-ancestor a, .post-listing, 0000063293 00000 n #featured-posts .flex-next:hover, #main-nav, 2 || Inability to bring hands together at midline. #buddypress div.item-list-tabs ul li a span, If theres a health problem thats making your little one arch their back, treating the underlying condition will solve the back arching. .mejs-container .mejs-controls .mejs-time-rail .mejs-time-current, A baby may be upset and perform this action as a type of self-expression. (Keep fresh water and alfalfa before the calves.) At 32 weeks pregnant, you're likely feeling tapping and squirming instead of your baby's signature rocking and rolling. English (US) Oh that means he literally has his head tilted backwards. 0000015613 00000 n .page-id-113044 header, .page-id-113044 footer { 0000049802 00000 n (If you've ever seen a cat with newborn kittens or a baby calf with its mother, you'll know that they are clearly hardwired to find food. Someone said it was something to do with teething but if I tell him off or ask him something he shakes his head for no lol, Yep! if(width < 50) { All rights reserved. #buddypress button, ; Maternity belts for relieving pain off your back, bladder, and pelvis after your baby has dropped. Your baby's skin is red. My Infants Tongue is Always Sticking Out. From handing them the wrong toy to providing them a spoon of the incorrect color, babies may become uncontrollably upset. "Both heavy and light (compared to normal) newborn calves are more likely to have complications during or shortly after birth." .ei-slider-thumbs li.ei-slider-element, Normal heart rate in a newborn calf is 100 to 120 beats per minute. jQuery(".live-search_ajaxy-selective-close").click(function() { .widget-feedburner .feedburner-subscribe, } I have a 3 month old calf that is holding its neck stretched out and now its head very slightly sideways. 0000002643 00000 n 432 satisfied customers. Flat Threaded Nested. .tie-cat-14 .cat-box-content {border-bottom-color:Array; } Another possibility is that reflux, or a related underlying condition is causing a little one pain. A baby in the heat of a tantrum may also cry, whine, and thrash about. Mayo Clinic guide to your babys first year. This can cause her head to flatten on one side and her face to appear uneven or out of line. Babies may vomit due to various reasons. .tie-cat-19 a.more-link {background-color:Array;} What are jaundice and kernicterus? Or your baby might be frustrated because they cant express their needs to you. #buddypress input[type=submit], #check-also-box { In rare cases, too much bilirubin, causing severe jaundice, can cause a kind of brain condition called kernicterus. In spastic cerebral palsy, a brain abnormality sends signals to the body that overactivate certain muscle groups. /*OFL article archive*/ Runny, snotty nose (sinusitis) nasal drainage in calves may . Call your childs pediatrician urgently if your baby: Look for symptoms of brain or nerve problems along with back arching. If electric heating pads are used, they must be closely monitored because they can get hot enough to cause burns, particularly if the calf is unable to move off the pad. border-right-color:Array; In moving from the uterus to the outside environment, baby calves experience a dramatic shift in temperature. Calving season has started. Raising a bottle calf is very easy with a newborn because he's hungry and looking for milk, but the first feeding must be colostrum. #main-nav ul li.current_page_parent a:hover, border-left-color:#000000; 0000002678 00000 n Anyone else? Weakness. Your baby may have seizures or seizure-like movements and behaviors that are mistaken for seizures that begin in the first week of life. Posted 10/17/2015 22:20 (#4844871 - in reply to #4844752) Subject: RE: Week old calf throwing head back sullivan il. } Autistic children may show symptoms around the time they are a year old (or earlier), but most kids arent diagnosed until theyre about 3 years old. Do not do this. Some babies can have bouts of fussiness that last for several day or weeks.. Calves should never be hung by their rear legs for more than 90 seconds or swung around by their back legs to remove fluids by gravity flow. body.dark-skin #members-list-options a.selected, body.dark-skin #buddypress div.item-list-tabs ul li.selected a, a.tie-cart span.shooping-count, Mild antiseptics should be used on the cord but avoid strong, caustic agents as these will cause irritation and inflammation of these sensitive tissues. a.post-slideshow-prev, /*Dayton*/ .tie-cat-9 a.more-link {background-color:Array;} This condition might make your baby look a bit yellow. Small calves chill faster in cold weather, and large calves may create calving difficulty. #main-nav ul > li.menu-item-has-children:hover > a:after, Dysentery. For normal gassiness and baby reflux you can try simple, low risk home remedies like: If your little angel is throwing their head backwards and arching their back in a toddler temper tantrum, gentle behavior training may help stop this. .page-id-113055 header, .page-id-113055 footer { Swelling in the face or throat. Here are a couple possible explanations, with the first being much, much more common. One of the most prevalent killers of newborn lambs, hypothermia occurs when a lambs body temperature drops too low and they go into shock. There are reports, mostly in the dairy breeds of calves born without hair, yet with normal, supple skin. Your little independent one may use the back arch method to get out of unwanted cuddles up to the age of 2 years! By the end of the first year, an autistic baby may show characteristic traits that are more common, like: Later on your child may show other repetitive motions, such as: In most cases, your babys back arching will go away on its own as they learn to roll over and control their body better, outgrow the startle reflex, and get more comfortable with people around them. At 3 months my little boy rolled off the sofa into the laminate floor I immediately took him to hospital and he was absolutely fine but they swore blind he was too young to be able to do it! A FULLY-grown hippopotamus lifts up a calf in its powerful jaws and throws it back into the water in a horrifying snap. .page-id-113079 header, .page-id-113079 footer { var width = jQuery(this).val().length * 8; What causes calves to have runny, snotty noses? Myparentingjourney.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Contact your childs doctor or go to urgent or emergency care right away if your baby experiences: If your babys got back (arching), you probably dont have to worry. He's also started shaking his head "no" over and over? However, there are times when things go wrong and you need to k. Create an account or log in to participate. border-color: #000000; Respiratory problems with Mycoplasma can start showing up as early as 2 weeks of age. Graphic video showing abuse of baby cows leads stores to pull milk from Chicago company An animal rights group released a video showing Fair Oaks Farms employees kicking and throwing young calves. .tie-cat-8559 .cat-box-content {border-bottom-color:Array; } I have had 3 do the same exact thing starting around a week old saved 2 keep them drinking the milk add a heavy dose of sugar syrup to the milk and electrolytes between milk feedings vit. a.post-slideshow-next, Babies are a little daring and will be curious to test how much they will be able to manoeuvre their bodies. I have a week old Holstein heifer that was doing just fine before but now has some strange behaviour. #theme-header, border-right-color:#000000; The process of bringing up or gastroesophageal reflux after . /*Douridas*/ The condition results when the valve between the small intestine and stomach narrows and prevents the proper flow of food between the two organs. 3. . Intercourse, PA: Good Books. think twice before sharing personal details, foster a friendly and supportive environment, remove fake accounts, spam and misinformation, delete posts that violate our community guidelines, reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts. Breastfed newborns usually have seedy, loose bowel movements that look like light mustard. "Stamping its feet and swinging its head vigorously, the hippo appeared to be trying to . As the baby begins digesting breast milk, meconium is replaced with yellow-green bowel movements. .tie-cat-128 a.more-link {background-color:Array;} Heart rate is one way to tell if the calf is in respiratory distress, since it drops as the body is deprived of oxygen. This is a neurologic disease of ruminants seen worldwide. As stated by Dr. Robert Callan, Colorado State University, calves born in cold weather may suffer adverse effects if they don't get right up and nurse before they chill. Babies arch their backs for many reasons. This could be because arching the back stretches the stomach a bit and might make them feel a little better. It might also happen if they feel like theyre falling or if theyre moved suddenly. At this age, your baby's movements and reactions are mostly based on involuntary, inborn reflexes. .page-id-113021 header, .page-id-113021 footer { } Mine's 10 months and she does this as well. #main-nav ul li.current-menu-parent a, 7-9 months: Developmental Red Flags. Muscle Cramps. Keep things simple for calves. I have had 3 do the same exact thing starting around a week old saved 2 keep them drinking the milk add a heavy dose of sugar syrup to the milk and electrolytes between milk feedings vit. jQuery(document).ready(function(){ This condition will usually resolve itself within one to two days but feeding the calf with a stomach tube is required since the calf cannot suckle. I'm so afraid that he is going to crack his head off of the wooden piece that holds the changing pad. I've given newborns doing that 5cc B complex IV, and 5cc IM also. Unlike Pasturella that tends to causes severe toxemia and calves to look sick very quickly, Mycoplasma can be much more subtle and calves may go unnoticed until they have . #theme-footer a:hover { } Doctoral Degree. border-top-color: Array; /*Meet researchers */ Oct 22, 2013. background-color:#030003 !important; .review-final-score, In order to facilitate this process after a dystocia, immediately after delivery (within 30 seconds), the calf should be placed upright on its sternum (breastbone) to maximize ventilation. In general, cardiac resuscitation is not attempted in calves born without a heartbeat due to very poor chance of survival. For the first two weeks after birth, a calf is monogastric, a simple stomached animal, using only the abomasum to digest the milk or milk replacer. #topcontrol, Hepatic Necrobacillosis. Ugh! If you notice your baby is arching their back, look for other symptoms. .page-id-112675 header, .page-id-112675 footer { What's the deal? 1. .form-submit #submit, You will feel the tube going down and know you are in the right place. background-color:#000000; The umbilicus (or navel) may become infected due to prolonged contact with the ground, predisposing the calf to septicemia or navel ill. Your Little boy sounds like he is a tough cookie. Raising bottle calves is easy if you follow some basic guidelines. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. The calf is breathing warm air into the lungs, and all his blood is going through the lungs. The birthweight of CA calves is "normal.". #buddypress div.item-list-tabs ul li.current a, background: Array; body.dark-skin #groups-list-options a.selected, Sleep-related rhythmic movement disorder. After birth, a baby's first bowel movements are black and tarry. ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb{ .tie-cat-125 .cat-box-content {border-bottom-color:Array; } Parents who believe their little one could have reflux may want to know more about the condition. #members-list-options a.selected, The male attacker's mother reportedly helped out in the killing, throwing herself in front of the baby's mother and further preventing her from saving her newborn. Your baby likely will stop throwing up in 12 to 24 hours. Feed a single, large-volume feeding of colostrum. .tie-cat-60 .cat-box-content {border-bottom-color:Array; } The cow should clean, dry and stimulate the calf to want to stand. Babies have the most bilirubin when they are 3 to 5 days old. #main-content input[type="submit"], newborn calf throwing head back; ash manor school teachers. This morning she was laying on her side just continually trying to throw her head back. Reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux, is common in babies right from birth to about 18 months of age. Ask your pediatrician for recommendations. } #check-also-close, Foot or leg cramps may also awaken your child from sleep. Meningitis. Babies are born with several notable reflexes, including the rooting reflex, the suckling reflex, the grasping reflex, the "stepping" reflex, and the startle reflex. Does a scream mean hunger, rage, or sleepiness? He could possibly be having seizures when he stiffens his legs out. When in doubt, always seek a physicians advice. }); My husband pushing the tube down into the stomach after the calf swallowed it. Let your babys pediatrician know about the back arching, just to be on the safe side. .widget.timeline-posts li a:hover, display: none !important; 0000003482 00000 n /* ]]> */ /*Ohio Field Leader - Video*/ This bizarre footage shows a newborn calf in Indonesia with a rare deformity that makes his face resemble that of a Persian cat.. Place your hand over the lower left side of the ribcage, just behind and above the elbow of his front leg. ????? .pagination span.current, Here's when it might be something more. Their head may also jerk backwards, making their back arch. .widget.timeline-posts li a:hover span.tie-date:before { 3 || Inability to sit unsupported. .quantity .plus:hover, /*OFL Homepage*/ My twins do this. (150- to 1,100-head cowherds) that had history of weak-calf syndrome. Place your hand over the lower left side of the ribcage, just behind and above the elbow of his front leg. newborn calf throwing head back. Normal heart rate in a newborn calf is 100 to 120 beats per minute. .search-block:after { .page-id-112962 header, .page-id-112962 footer { startxref var sf_templates = "View All Results<\/a>"; .widget_price_filter .ui-slider .ui-slider-handle, 0000015163 00000 n The calf had not peed or pooped during the night, the calf looked to be straining while lying there with its rectum poking out slightly. A baby's own cry can startle him or her and trigger this reflex. a.more-link, Clean, fresh water should also be offered early on and refreshed daily. The idea is to hold the ear snuggly but comfortably against the calf's head, using his own body heat to warm and dry the ears. b shot everyday for a week and banamine twice a day for 14 days. So, although a baby may gag or hiccup, vomiting or spitting up will not always occur. Your finely tuned ear may also pick up the I-need-attention and cuddle-me-now cries. .page-id-118261 header, .page-id-118261 footer { Specifically, we have to rule out conditions like hypoxia (low oxygen to the brain during delivery) if it has never been seen normal, head trauma (brain swelling), hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), CCN (thiamine deficiency), early stage Botulism or Tetanus (as they cause progressive ascending paralysis), tick paralysis or subsequent tick borne .review-final-score, } This is called the fencing position, which helps prevent a baby from rolling over . This may indicate that the behavior reduces stress. Woke up early this morning and checked the calf and he is still alive. 7-9 months: Developmental Red Flags. Good Luck, Had a 4wt do that once heavy dose of pen 40cc i think i gave cleared it up.luck or coincidental I'm not sure.