But we can see past it (Im not talking about the disrespect towards the Rebbe) and not let this get us down. This is such a fake letter. They formally apologized. The person who administers the Ner Yisroel college program is sitting shiva this week. Thats shocking to me. I pity them and their parents. If you think about it, we really cant blame the students. It might not have been done Leshem Shomayim, but it accomplished getting pictures of the Rebbe in their Mesivta. We in Chabad dont own the Rebbe Camp Sports strengthens their Yiddishkeit by providing them with a customized learning program in a fun setting of competitive sports and exciting trips. Thats more than any of us have done for the jokes weve made. The apology has been made because a group of yidden are upset. Hopefully those involved will realize the severity of the action and do teshuva. sad. On Purim, when we rise above differences, , photos of the Rebbe were displayed on Ner Yisroel campus! Without even a sorry. Its like if a mentally ill person yells at you in the street. when the yidden showed such spontanious simcha /achddus and ahavas chinom at the sudden and miraculous release of Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin we all felt the footsteps of Moshiach SO the satan got busy and with the help of RUACH SCHTUS a bunch of kids in a good yeshivah fell It is true that they are not the same, YU now has a mashpia Rabbi Moshe Weinberger from Long Island, who is a big Chosid of the Rebbe, but maybe there is still hope for Ner Yisroel. Neuberger. In lots of places I go to they make fun of the Rebbe and his chassidim who believe in him oh, wait a minute, those places are officially Lubavitch! They will stop in for a meal or spend an entire day on campus, where they will meet the Rosh Hayeshiva and members of the hanhalla. Ashreinu Thats the attitude. in my work environment, a litvish colleague remarked about Tanya as not valid. And its revolting It is truly a sad day for Judaism. in the home the parents Post author: Post published: 22/06/2022; Post category: brenda payne hendersonville, tn; Post comments: . Im also pretty sure you can find professors in Harvard that are Talmidim Chachamim. Either Tanya or sichos of the Rebbes. The founding Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Ruderman ztl, was from Chabad roots. A group of bochurim who identified as students of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore visited the home of Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan, Director of Chabad-Lubavitch of Maryland, on Thursday. Theyre just frum Jews, no matter what they like to believe. Were they expecting that the Kaplans will inform COL that they gave shalach manos to them? A very old term. PURIM SAMEACH. Yes 59 - the gyva is absolutely shocking "We and others in yeshiva were not happy about the "Purim shtick" that was done. May Hashem protect klal Yisroel. Rabbi yissocher frand is the mashgiach there or something. Its time to start teaching Mussar and stop feeding hate. 250 Bathurst Glen Drive for sure the Aibershter remembers ltova those who seek to create shalom among His people. May they immediately be able to come close to emes. forgot to add Allow the Rebbes brochos to permeate all Benei Yisroel Many people flocked to Ner. People opposed The Rebbe could handle their disrespect on his broad shoulders. Ner Yisroel should be ashamed of themselves. I encourage others to call the school and voice your disapproval. Time to clean up the mess in our own backyard!!! To number #25 I have people walk through the door who disrespect The Rebbe Threw them out like a dog.Never regretted it for a second, They played with fire I hope they dont get burnt.No different then the Palestinians teaching their children, they should go to the ohel of the rebbe and ask forgive-ness, WHen I called the big Rav Sheftel last week he quickly hung up saying it was a joke. and if they are not around enough to know, then let them leave their tvs and sports and visiting wrong places and get into the yeshiah. Is it justified? 317, home 410-653-9311, fax 410-653-9311, e-mail [emailprotected], I went to Yeshiva in Toronto in the early 2000s and the local litvish elementary school kids would yell, mock and spit at us. To my fellow yid, I thought that by now 35yrs later, they had a little more respect. Contrary to what this rosh yeshiva said in the conversation. To be mocked for trying to make the world a betterRead more , wanted shalom rubaskin out of business, they had successed beyond there wildest dreams, there is nothing funny about this, it will come back to them, hashem runs the world. So they still get hashpoo and the Rebbe still takes care of them, albeit indirectly. Perhaps we who recently learned perek lamed bais in chitas, and live our lives to mekarev another yid should see past painting the entire Jewish nation with the broad strokes of us vs them. These boys and perhaps the leadership of their Yeshiva certainly need to make a cheshbon hanefesh. Thank you Sruly for informing the public of this hateful act. This anti Chabad attitude is nothing new. I want to apologize and perhaps clarify a few misunderstandings. A few points 1) The first picture. No one there noticed that someone (or maybe everyone) there says Ashrei 3 times a day (allegedly) and is saying it WRONG!!!!! Sadness because, while their grandparents were in Litvisher Yeshivos working so hard with the self centered goal of becoming gedolim, our grandparents were in Russia risking their livesRead more . Its an excellent mossad just like Harvard is a great mossad. Why are you posting these despicable pictures? that they quoted Tanya sincerely. What hiskashrus to a Rebbe is about. Rabbi Hochman received ordination in 1964 from Ner Israel of Baltimore. Happy Purim! The hanhala was taken completely off guard when they walked in for shacharis. Bring them closer with love -send the students and staff weekly sichos and letters of the Rebbe. Does Chofetz Chayim make an exception for "Humor" or Purim? Its a two way street my friend. They will stop in for a meal or spend an entire day on campus, where they will meet the Rosh Hayeshiva and members of the hanhalla. Together we can continue building greatness. Having fun at the expense of Chabad But honestly the only disrespectful thing in there was the acronym they spelled out for the Rebbeother than that its all realistic they display life as they see it life that is foreign to them Going to the mikva haaa haa Doing Mivtzoyim haaa haaa Wearing a hat haaa haaa Having a Rebbe haaa haa And hes even honored with a special chair haaa haa And even believe that when they write , their Tefillos go straight to heaven HA All so different from the life they know . When I was in 4th grade in a Litvish cheider I saw all the gedolim pictures on the wall and I asked the rebbi if I could bring in a picture of the Rebbe to join the others. Hope this message gets published!!!!!! The three week sessions take place twice a year on Ner Yisroels campus: for South Americans on their summer break during the Northern Hemispheres winter, while Mexican and Central American teens attend the summer session. There must be some inner turmoil these kids have and some admiration that, unable to express normally, comes out in this type of behavior. We are emailing the school and suggest everyone does. Guess who got into trouble? He was very happy to oblige, and I took it home at the end of the year. Having opposition is not a new idea. #letsbefriends give me your number MG . If you have a child in that school, SEND HIM SOMWHERE ELSE! I was supposed to be offended? I personally think that this should be viewed as a sincere attempt to right their wrong. There the husband started learning with a Chabad shliach and the couple became frum BH. Rabbi Greenberger, dean, joined our staff in 1991, after completing 10 years of graduate work in Talmudic Research and Jurisprudence. (sigh). Full Story. I thank these bochurim. the rebbe said that there are no real misnagdim today. Their neshomos are thirsting for chasidus. Its clear that lots of time was invested into tgese props, wasnt just a disrespectful joke. I imagine this was done as a form of marbim bsimcha& that is truly sad. Assuming that halacha is important to the hanhala then they know that even being nevaze a Yid who is not physically alive to ask mechila then they must go to their kever kal vechomer the Rebbe. This was Purim Shtick based off of what these boys learned during their younger years as Ner Yisroel itself doesnt teach anything remotely siilar to the shtick about Chabad, If the bochurim did a shtick with a Breslov doing stick with Na Nach Nachma Nachma MeUman and the like, guarentee no one would be upset about it. We cant deny that we make fun of misnagdim and their rabbonim. Harav Simcha Cook came to Ner Yisroel from London, England, as a bochur in 1964. Bochurim from Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore sent a hand-written letter to Maryland Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan regretting the Chabad mockery. DONT MESS WITH THE REBBE, I live in baltimore ner yisroel has been making fun of lubavitch Rabbi Simcha Cook, Menahel of Mechinas Ner Yisroel, admitted that the photos circulating on social media showing various displays about Chabad were authentic. I think the Rebbe would be so ashamed !! Primarily that the leadership of these yeshivas do not teach or at the very least show considerable respect to chassidus Chabad in general, and the Rebbe in particular. TheRead more . This just pushes the geulah away. I dont recall that to be true. Had a good handle on the situation. Rabbi Ruderman made between the young Yaakov Yitchok and the Rebbe Rashablamenting (in intense pique) the fact thatRead more . are repwsonsable for what happens under their leadership, Very sad that these young boys whom will soon be men are educated in an environment which engrains snd encouragrs so much chullul. 2. Sure. This shtick was not done with any hate in mind. I am not t a Lubavitcher ,but I hold of all rabbonim. BH we do as our Rebbe taught us. Those asking us to lighten up, are perhaps misapplying a good sentiment in the attempts to keep the peace. Is this mechina related to the Ner YIsroel Baltimore?? Fake news. Statement From Ner Israel On This Morning's Incident On Yeshiva Lane Baltimore, MD - May 26, 2020 - This morning there was an incident on our campus with a former student. Im almost certain. Once your account is created, you'll be logged-in to this account. | 7. The letter discussed their remorse over the display at Ner Yisroels Mechina high school created by fellow students in honor of Purim. Learn a blessed thing! Ner Yisroel's entry-level division provides its 250 talmidim with a well balanced educational program. The shliach doesnt need the apology, its them to go to the rebbes ohel which they made fun of is needed to ask mechila. I totally agree with you. This is what Rabbi Avigdor Miller ztl thought. Older bochurim have regular sedorim with the Mechina talmidim; the Kollel yungeleit guide, inspire and answer questions posed by the bochurim. The hanhalah We are SO LUCKY that our chabad boys are busy with productive and beautiful things!!! I felt so sad that something so disrespectful can happen in a Frum school. My son was in elementary school and got into a fight with a boy who ripped up a picture of the Rebbe and was mocking my sons belief. this is extremely horrible should not be accepted and misnagdim have no basis for their hatred other than that they are jealous and that they are scared of mashiach so they dont do mivtzoyim They should issue an apology, WHEN HAMON WANTED YO KILL ALL THE JEWS HE DID NOT CARE ABOUT THEIR AFFILIATIONS OR IDEAS. What kind of chinuch-less chinuch did they receive? Thursday -5 . With In-depth Coverage of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem News and All the Latest News From the Israel-Palestinian Conflict and the Jewish World. Boruch Hashem that our Chabad bochrim and girls are taught that Purim means running around on mivtzaim in a lchatchilla ariber way. Making fun of litvishe roshei yeshiva etc does nothing for Chabad and is simply bad education. If we ever did that in our yeshivas, our roshe yeshivos and mashpiim would whip us into shape quickly and certainly apologize if it were to happen and become public knowledge. What is so disheartening is that this outlook is obviously coming from the way they educated by their hanhala members. It was chalav Stam. presence of many shluchim who unceasingly The news articles, Tweets, and blog posts do not represent IMDb's opinions nor can we guarantee that the reporting therein is completely factual. A life infused with chassidus leaves no room for such baseless hatred. And bring them for a trip to the Ohel to apologize. spirit of certain individuals Hamans!!!. In short, they monitor the number of evenings per week (usually two) one can register for classes. I have also been in the If it was Breslov nobody would bat an eye, im personally sad that this display went, Send bochurim to be mekarev them to Chasidus like at YU, Disgusted - Here is the Rabbi's info - HE needs to apologize and fix this, Article & Comments Are Worse Than Purim Shpeil. if they had a Mezuzah checking station ,They should check their Mezozos ( personally I think they need to be fixed). He is the author of many books dealing with commentary of the Bible and Commentaries. Some of them apologized. Sheliach shel Odom KeMoso The Menahels attitude is pathetic. These kids are just korbanos Give up their seats for the elderly? I personally have a lot of respect for chabad activities as well as for the Rebbe. No coffee or babka. He held of every gadol. Theres definitelyRead more , Why waste time fighting darkness when you can add light. I feel bad for them that their Yiddishkeit allows them to mock other Jews to the extent that it has become so much a part of their thinking, that it passed as entertainment in their well reputed school. The principal of the Ner Yisroel high school in Baltimore told COLlive.com a Purim exhibit on Chabad was "kids misbehaving." I agree with the one offering to teach Chofetz Chayim, Chovos HaLevavos, etc. Im a hat and jacket wearing, chitas and Rambam learning Lubavitcher chossid, And I thought the display was funny and good humor, comes from their leadership. Even in the letter, theyre still mocking Chabad, making it try to sound like Tanya Unbelievable, BSD seems sincere and not only bc of the publicity that put the Yeshiva in a bad light, Sunday, 12 Adar, 5783. You cant have your cake and eat it. I dont know what to make of the letter but I definitely would not invite any of these people to my place, Begins writing a page with Bsd or Bh on top LACK OF AN OFFICIAL LETTER FROM THE HANHOLA SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. The preoccupation with Chabad is fascinating to me. We need to look inside and realize how it now fees to be the butt of the joke. This wasnt an offhand comment of superiority, but something delibirate. Of course, a highly-publicized apology would be in order. Let them go to the Ohel to ask for forgiveness. The yeshiva cant be blamed because it was an amateur act of a talmid but then you say that the amateur act of a talmid is a formal apology by the institution.