If you dont have an appropriate item in inventory, then you will not see the Drop Into Pot option. The poison is a type of potion in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, which can be prepared at an Alchemist's bench . Sir Radzig Kobyla asked me to find out where the bandits responsible for the massacre at Neuhof are hiding and bring him . Sir Radzig Kobyla asked me to find out where the bandits responsible for the massacre at Neuhof are hiding and bring him information from their camp, like how many there are and how they're armed. You dont have to do any sabotage on the camp before you head back to get Sir Radzig and his army. The reconnaissance can be completed in the currently equipped armor/outfit but you have to stay away from the enemies and don't let anyone catch you while Henry is inside of the camp. Now go over to the Cuman camp and dispose of the 5 or six Cumans left there (who will conveniently attack at most 3 at a time). from the herbalist who lives in the forest near Samopesh. You have three chances to fool them, after that youll aggro the whole camp. There is a way to make it easier on yourself. However, always make sure to have an escape route planned out. Now heres the tricky part. Please enable JavaScript to see comments. Players should stock up on potions and make sure they have the correct armor equipped before confirming they are ready to move out. Once you have a full set of Cuman armor, you can stroll in and the bandits will leave you alone - but you may run into an inquisitive Cuman. The poison comes into use later. Here, the risk of getting caught is even higher. You can also disguise yourself with an enemy armor, they will let you enter and walk into the camp, but you will have to answer to some guards with speech skills. Beware, when you say that youre ready it will bring you to the fight immediately and there wont be any time to go back. Otherwise, you can say you need time to prepare and adjust your armor / weapons. (Optional) Sabotage the bandits before the battle begins, (Optional) Sabotage: you can poison their food. After that conversation, you might want to not tell him that youre ready to go right away. Try to slalom as you escape, Cumans are good shots and your horse will throw you off if it gets hit by arrows. What waits for him there is one of Kingdom Come Deliverances more difficult quests, but its nothing he cant overcome. When you reach the camp, your quest objectives will change. You will have some time to find the pots and arrows and sabotage them. On the Cuman side of the camp, is a hidden entrance, I think this is the same place that OP is talking about. Very few wear body plate or particularly strong helmets. Keep running until you increase your distance from the enemies. All you have to do then is head over to a pot and put the poison in it. Hell be in his castle, either on the first or second floor. The soldiers figure you out extremely quickly and you can get stuck on pieces of scenery very easily, making it difficult to avoid Cumans who try to speak to you. How I did it, I actually befriended one of the higher ups (I forget his name). Nest of Vipers is the thirteenth main questin Kingdom Come: Deliverance. or affiliated Trademarks and protected by international copyright laws unless otherwise noted. Due to the numbers of Cuman and Bandits that frequent the area, it will take some time, as well. You can go there directly and skip all the searching. Approach a kettle and select the option that lets you place something into it. This will reduce the number of enemies, and archers, that you will soon face.If you integrated yourself with the bandits in the last quest, you can walk right in (avoid Morcock as this will make the whole camp hostile). Then, head to the north of the camp, where everyone rests. Making a full reconnaissance of the camp and completing a few of the optional objectives. In order to sabotage the camp, you will need a torch and up to four doses of poison, or Bane potion. The fire will alert the bandits and you may get yourself easily killed if you don't escape the area in time. If that doesnt work for you, try to find the Cuman captain patrolling outside and wear their uniform. Your main objective is to scout that area. I have also found the box to lockpick which has the Cuman clothes in and sure i can walk around the camp but they either come up to me and speak Hungarian or they . Resting is also advised before setting off. The chief will approach Henry while drunk and badmouth Morcock. Only thing is, the guards didn't mind me being there, hell no one came to question me, but out of no where they all decided to attack me. Nest of Vipers is the 13th main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance (KCD).This walkthrough will guide you throughthe objectives of theNest of Vipers Main Quest. I ended up getting caught, because I didn't know how to respond to one of the guards a second time. However, if you managed to silence a few, or poison them, or take out their archers, you can risk telling Sir Radzig the numbers are manageable. After reaching the gates of the fortified bandit camp this objective will trigger. If not, then go up to the very northern part of the map, to the town of Pribyslavitz, which is located to the north of Talmberg. I loaded a save multiple times and just ran in there to even see if I could get the prompt. Sir Divish will ask you if youre ready to go to battle. Youll also likely view a short cutscene where Runt shows up to remind everyone who is in charge, and that the Cumans are guests. First you have to craft the poison: Prepare Oil 2x Herb Paris 1x Thistle Drop the thistle in the cauldron and boil for one turn. by poisoning only one kettle) but this won't weaken the entire army. Once you tell Divish youre ready to go, one of the most frustrating quests in Kingdom Come begins: Baptism of Fire. Gamers that travel past the moat will likely run into a Cuman guard. Make sure before you say youre prepared that youre fully stocked on Saviours Schnapps, Merigold Concoctions, and arrows. There are some destroyed wooden houses. Depending on your decisions from the previous main quest you will either know the location of the enemy camp in Pribyslavitz or you will have to find it by following received hints. Suggested items Carry on straight at the crossroads all the way to the camp. Divish will ask if you are ready, or if you need time to prepare. A fight can only happen when you choose "the standard" answer after using all three unique ones. Depending on who you got the details of the camps locations from, you may have very different directions. Filed Under: Game Guides, Kingdom Come Deliverance, by saving yourself hours watching 2 guys fight in the next mission i reccommend to do the optional sabotage. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Your main objective is to scout that area. Instead, you should sneak up on him and stun (you can kill that Cuman afterwards). Nests are also used during the Masquerade quest to obtain Raven feathers. If you managed to sabotage the camp unnoticed, bloody well done. Here, you can use the following "tactic" - run around the camp and scout the area if you notice that someone has started moving towards Henry. You could try killing everyone inside the camp. Quest Giver When youre ready for the big battle, tell him youll lead Captain Robard and his troops, and get ready for some action. Enemies Nest of Vipers is the Kingdom Come Deliverance quest where you finally get to start planning to lay some hurt on the bandits that you've been hunting down since Neuhof. Sir Radzig asked me to scout out the location of the camp where the bandits who attacked Neuhof are holed up. A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. Ask Sir Divish of Talmberg for reinforcements. Head to Talmberg and talk to Sir Divish. Look at one of them and youll complete the objective and can return to Sir Radzig. However, to make the upcoming attack easier, you should work to sabotage the bandits by poisoning the food pots, and to set the arrow caches on fire. Getting inside will be no easy matter though. However, while it may seem like you have a limitless supply of allied troops when youre attacking, you dont. At this point, players can decide to wait for the chief or run away. Also, remember to not engage in a regular combat. Narrowly escaping the brutal attack, you grab your sword to fight back.. There is also a much safer alternate way of getting one of these armors - you can get it from a chest. If this happens, it is possible to scale the church completely and use it as a chokepoint against the entire camp, though you can't easily shoot down the ladders and can still be swarmed. (Optional) Sabotage: you can set fire to the arrows. Im struggeling to find the cuman armour, got any tips on getting it? This part is hard. One of the Cuman tents in front of the church has a lockbox you can pick to get some to use. Gives you plenty of time to burn all arrows. As long as you dont talk to Morcock, you can pretty much wander around and take stock of their numbers, grab gear lying around, and prime yourself for sabotage. If youve killed a patrolling Cuman, pay attention to what they have equipped and mirror it. They can be found all around Bohemia in trees or on the ground. Proceed to the first marker on your map - the woodcutters camp near Talmberg - and follow the instructions from there. You'll now be at the bandit camp, so be careful not to get noticed. They are kept in various parts of Pribyslavitz (the picture above shows an example). You can go there directly and skip all the searching. Jason Faulkner is the Senior Editor of Game Revolution and PlayStation LifeStyle. Contents 1 Recipe Description 2 Potion Description (Effects) 3 Crafting 3.1 Recipe 3.2 Ingredients 3.3 Herbarium 4 Notes Recipe Description Whoever wants to poison rats and stray dogs or set bait for prey, let him try this potion. Bird nests are a type of location in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. They can be shot down with arrows, often containing a shiny item that the birds picked up. Go around until you are south of the camp. After taking a good look at the bandit camp, return to Radzig. You need to make sure you give him an accurate report; otherwise, your forces will be at a disadvantage in the next mission. inside locked chests placed somewhere in the camp. If you got in the bandits good graces by killing Timmy, youll be able to explore the camp at your leisure (to a point). Put the armor on and deal with the cuman side. Sabotage the two pots and arrow stashes in the that camp. Stop right after going through it - there is a chest in the hooded area (it is secured with an easy lock). Henry will acquire the quest from Sir Radzig, who claims that Neuhof was attacked by a band of outlaws hiding in the forest. Then, he will reward you with 250 and tell you to ride to Talmberg and request reinforcements from Lord Divish. Required fields are marked *. Thats right, the Cumans are in league with Runt and his men, though they occupy separate camps in town: the Cumans hold the Northeast side while the Bandits are camped up in the Northwest outside the chapel. BanditsCumans That is all you need to know in order to successfully finish the Nest of Vipers quest, and for other Kingdom Come: Deliverance guides at GameSkinny. If all you did was a quick scout, you may want to point out that there are lots of opponents. Ended up not counting as completing those objectves as I had missed the bandit side of the camp. If you do want to remove the threat of archers, youll either have to time the burning very precisely, or burn and run before they know whats going on, and jump onto your horse and gallop off before they can stop you. On the way there will be a guard, avoid him at all cost. I have over 11k on my character.