Another reasonwhy you shouldnt move to Florida? And second, the warm hot climate. In 2018, when I moved to Florida, their data showed that 65.5 million people moved in and it was no more a quiet place but a place of huge people. Heres some of what we found. Disney, Universal Studios and Busch Gardens and more, wow. Thank you Gianna for sharing your experience. There are beautiful beaches on both coasts. Avoid North as well. Due to the Florida Aquifer, such a sinkhole occurs. I see the trend in the comments! But I regret it because of the Florida part, not the family-distance part! Its interesting that I dont hear progressive individuals complaining about Florida, and why is that?! This state is continuously growing outward. You can buy a home on a waterway where you can keep your massive boat right in your backyard and leave right from there and motor to the Gulf of Mexico or Atlantic Ocean. Patricia, a 46-year old lifelong resident of Miami, recently moved away and said, I was scared that the value of my house was going to go down so I moved to Nashville. 11 Best Christmas Tree Farms in Florida in 2023, 15 Pros and Cons of Living in Florida: Truth of Florida Life, 46 Essential Florida Packing List Items for 2023, 9 Best Fishing Piers in Florida That are Worth Visting, 13 Most Insane Abandoned Places In Florida You Have To See, 11 Best Places to Kayak With Manatees In Florida in 2023, 12 Best Natural Springs in Florida You Need to Visit in 2023, 10 Best Nude Beaches in Florida (With Dos and Donts), The Ultimate One Day in Orlando on a Budget: Free and Cheap Sights. Lets put this right up front: Florida earned three spots on the list of the top 10 sweatiest cities in the U.S. Tampa and Miami were No. For some reason, Florida seems to attract some really strange people and when you read about some of the crimes they commit it really makes you wonder. Ive met Florida newbies who are overjoyed to be here and others who hate it. Gov. Sorry California native got jipped . I traded shoveling snow occasionally, for having to cut grass twice a week 52 weeks a year or paying $$$$s for someone to do it. February 7, 2022 . Thats up from 3.3 million seniors in the 2010 U.S. Census. I even pray, please let me love it I felt like Im put inside a micro oven at 90 degrees Celsius. I can swim all year, Im going to get a home with a pool! How Snowbirds Can Be Taxed as Florida Residents. Dont even think of moving without a LOT of money. But is it right for you? Youll be stuck on a hamster wheel from hell till you get a high-paying job or start a profitable business. Unless your job will be . If you are planning to spend your retirement days in Florida and take advantage of the robust economy then you might choose Florida. Bugs with their own zip codes. Yes, summers are hot, but expect winter temps to fall below freezing in parts of northern Florida. Chances are much higher than you think, that this will happen to you also. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Retirees who move to Florida are often shocked to discover that deductibles for hurricane insurance often range from 2% to 5% (and sometimes as much as 10%) of the policy coverage, rather than the . They thought of all aspects before making the move. Home #MomLife By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider Molly Elliott, who lives in Fort Myers Beach, said beach rats were a big adjustment for her, as was the expense of keeping them out of her house. Im drawing a blank. Take the locals advice-they dont want you either- STAY AWAY you will be happier- truly. No worries. Other transplanted northerners agree the pests and exotic creatures are an acquired taste. This last point may not be causing people to regret moving to Florida just yet, but it can be added to the list of reasons not to move to Florida for the long-term. Do you really want to join the graying crowd that made Woodstock a thing? Sunshine almost every day! Thanks Bernie. Just not sure how to make friends that like to do the things I live for. I lived in Fl for years in just about every part and hated it. This post may contain, Read More 13 Most Insane Abandoned Places In Florida You Have To SeeContinue, Florida, the Sunshine State is full of wonders. Despite all the beaches and the warm weather, there are many reasons for leaving Florida. 40 Best Amazon Prime Benefits to Use in 2022. A lot of mouth breathers. The traffic is gross on the belt and van suck any time of day. But, this growth has usually been unmanaged with lower density and a greater reliance on cars for transportation. The climatic condition in Florida is tropical, making it humid and hot. Once an area that has that perfect landscape and population density secret gets out, within 5 years it becomes a construction nightmare and overpopulates rapidly. At my school its one on one with an instructor so I dont have much interaction with other students that would possibly be around my age. Did I say its hot and humid all the time yet? This post may contain affiliate links. This Sunshine State has it all. Loved to vacation there. No wonder everybody looks old here. You can buy beer at almost every gas station, convenience and grocery store in the state. Please see our disclaimers to learn more about our site. It runs from June 1 to Nov. 30 fully half the year peaking in August through October, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Too hot (I thought I hated the cold, but never again! If you are happy with just going to the beach and the theme parks, then you should have no problem. Water at Floridas beaches isnt always as clean as it looks and the beaches can be closed because of high bacteria counts. Some climate scientist say Florida will be underwater in the future. But hey . Look at the numbers and consider what youll be facing in the coming years. This places weather was too harsh for my skin, I didnt get a good job and my pay scale was even low compared to New York and there was always a fear of natural disasters and reptiles. Newhouse School of Public Communications and a bachelors degree in communications and theater from Hope College. Live by the beach the breeze will keep them moving. daisy yellow color flower; nfl players on steroids before and after; trailers for rent in globe, az New Service; what time zone is 1 hour ahead of est I got stung trying to clean them up. There are some nice museums and galleries in the larger cities, but it is nowhere near the level of places like New York or Chicago. Im trying to get my wife to move back to Iowa where the cost of living is way less than Florida. Your 80 and get a license for EIGHT years and you cant see or hear- WTF?! Im a very social outgoing guy so this is very new to me. . Thats a lot of tricked-out golf carts. Can you say premature wrinkling. PODCAST: Is Your Home Insured Against Disaster? Its hot, humid, like laying on sandpaper, the saltwater and sun are aging my skin. Today you need a LOT of money to move to most parts of America. Its sad but its a fact of life here. Crowded -you cant compare it to NY. Moving can be stressful whether you're just moving to a new house down the street or to a new country. Youre at risk of breaking a sweat year round in South Florida, where even in the dead of winter temperatures can crack 80 degrees. The elderly drivers and the drunks. I fear even coming here for vacation has been ruined for me. If you budget is tight, thats a pretty significant reasonwhy not to live in Florida. Naturally, youll want a swimming pool to beat the Florida heat. Critters! says Trisha Torrey, a transplant who now lives in central Florida. Visit our corporate site. The rudeness and the all about me attitudes suck the life out of you daily. But, if you are expecting world-class options and a thriving community for theater, music, or ballet, thendont move to Floridaand consider some other states with bigger cities. The main Central highway in Florida 1-4 which starts from Daytona Beach in the East through Orlando and ends in Tampa on the West is always full of people and traffic. I did this just once bought a house didn't know area of home . If you run out of money and have to take low-paying survival jobs, youll hate it and never get ahead financially again. This place can be expensive. Still, you simply cant find out certain things until you live here and experience it fully. When I move out of Florida Im never going on vacation there again. The political BS is insane as is the MANY who follow it and actually BELIEVE it! Much more of the country and world have become overcrowded, crazy, fearful, hostile, expensive, transient, and dangerous. It's a downward spiral of motivationand energy exacerbated by your lack of the kinds of friends who can help you snap out of it. The Census Bureau's latest estimates show that a net total of about 320,000 Americans moved into Florida between 2021 and 2022, the largest number among the 49 states and Washington, DC. It is the Ponzi schemes, the byzantine corruption, the evangelical fervor and the consenting-adult depravity. In more recent years, as the growth in remote work has allowed many Americans to live wherever they want, warmer temperatures and the lack of an income tax are among the perks drawing millions to the state. No bugs in the house in Jersey and thunderstorms are rare. Yes, I was one of those people that was like "oh, I'll never take the toll roads, what a waste of money." LOL. Disney World is basically its own city. I hate have to drag things in and out because of storms and cleaning up the house and yard after them. 4. Large rude crowds, overpriced bad food. After all, its the quintessential post-working world existence, so we're told. The mosquitos, fire ants, large flying roaches, snakes, alligators and more can really creep some people out. Global Warming has increased more natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and unpredictable weather changes. Say Walt Disney World is moved to another "acceptable" state. "My mental health started declining from being stuck indoors almost 10 months out of the year," he said. She is the bestselling author of The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth and creator of the Mama Natural Birth Course. The people are the rudest Ive ever encountered, the roads are crowded, the stores are crowded and people dont know how to drive. . Yes, Florida is not only for children but also welcomes adults of all ages. Take a look at our list of the cheapest places to live in America for city dwellers. If your dream is to move to Florida and buy a boat, youll learn that the two best days in a boat owners life is the day they buy their boat, and the day they sell it. The same can be said about Floridas retiree population, which is the 2nd highest in the nation and makes up over 20% of the population. This sunshine state always felt like a rosy Disney world to me. If you want to widen your knowledge and conduct research then University of Florida is the best place to study. It can be hard to choose which mineral Florida springs to visit. 19. These pesky critters alone may be one of the topreasons not to move to Florida. Rasmussen found that Florida is dead last in the whole nation when adjusting for wages vs. relative costs. You can grow oranges and grapefruits in your yard. If you ask me if I regret moving to Florida then my answer will be yes. The constant threat of hurricanes and higher waters were the main reasons why I left Florida.. I hate living in Florida in the summer.. Hold that thought. If you think its just those cities in Florida that are sweaty, youre kidding yourself. My family and I just moved from Florida to North Carolina last year and let me tell you I do not miss Florida one single bit. For me, it was always different. You should carefully evaluate the question ofwhy you shouldnt move to Florida with all of these points in mind, but also realize that there is a lot of good things the state has to offer. Is there a nice area in northern Florida to retire to? Retirees who move to Florida are often shocked to discover that deductibles for hurricane insurance often range from 2% to 5% (and sometimes as much as 10%) of the policy coverage, rather than the fixed dollar amount, say $500, they were accustomed to up north. 2. You will experience 2 distinct seasons in Florida. Looking to cool off or ditch those bugs by swimming in the ocean. No matter what you should always avoid these dangerous places in Florida. Florida is a dream fishing spot, no doubt! Also South Florida has far worse crime. But some people who moved there have come to regret their decision. Florida residents are often offered Florida resident only special discounts on theme park admission. One of the major reasons not to move to Florida is due to the fact that the state seems to cater to tourists and retirees compared to the rest of the working residents. Florida's governor has been on the proverbial warpath against, well . I hate living in Florida when it is mosquito season., Added Stefanie, a 19-year old student at Florida State University who moved from Tennessee, For college,Imoved to Florida and I hate it. I regret moving to Florida because my house was near the coast and when I planned to move out from Florida the price dropped down. 542. Then they went increasingly bad. There have been more hit and run car accidents with in a 2 mile radius in these two years than my entire lifetime in a Northern state. The Sunshine State experiences a tropical type of climate and is a home for various flora and fauna with beautiful dog-friendly beaches in Florida. Luckily technology makes it easier than ever to stay in touch with this transient nature and many families do not feel the disconnect that can be caused. When Florida real estate prices shoot up, so will your real estate taxes. You can find hundreds of YouTube videos regarding this. Also, all cities and urban areas nationwide became bad. Im so sick of paying people to maintain those palm trees in my yard. These reasons not to live in Florida should be weighed against all the benefits so you dont end up saying I hate living in Florida once you get there. But every state has its negatives. Im content with shorts and short sleeves and the A/C to keep me comfortable and as for going out, so many places have delivery and lets face it, many dont go to malls anymore and other things because of online services. Heat and humidity is about the same as in Ohio but just lasts longer in FL. These holes sometimes are so huge that they can engulf a car, a property, or a whole colony. Never moving, even with cold winters. We are not saying that people do not like the warm weather, because most people do. Here is my story and I will tell you why I hate living in Florida after 1.5 years of living there. Im still stuck here and prepping to leave! The weather during the winter is fantastic. The popular trend for the past 30 years has people going to college away from home and scoping out landscapes that are far different from the ones that they grew up in. Florida has palm trees. The desert is beautiful and the people are so welcoming. Thousands of people have damaged their life and property. It has a high quality of living which I always dreamt of and is less crowded. One of those reasons is in fact that "lovely" weather we have just mentioned. Now, as I tell my friends, at least we dont have to shovel 90 degrees.. Businesses pay ALAP (as little as possible) now, and few offer good benefits or retirement plans, if any. This happens to millions of people who move. And the homeless population south FL is as big if not bigger than in Cali. Here is our terms & conditions that stipulates how you can use this site. The Miami real-estate agent Michael Bordenaro told Insider in 2021 that 40% to 50% of his clients who are new to the state move out within a few years. Many boomers who grew up in the 60s and 70s grooved at the beach, slathering on baby oil to enhance the tan. More money stays in my pocket and one less tax return to to hassle with. Florida is ultimately a great place to live for many people, but there are certain aspects that everyone should be aware of before making the choice to move. The first one is the what we think it will be like to live in Florida when we move there for the pros (the perception), usually based on many 1 week vacation visits. Still, I regret moving to Florida. "The skin can become tough and leathery," according to the Florida Institute of Neuroscience. If you dont like winter sports or cold weather, Florida is one of the best places to be in the US weather-wise, from about December to the end of March, for warm weather. These people are trying to discourage more people from moving there. It also causes other issues like extra traffic during peak seasons. Then people started finding out and ive watched Paradise lost once again as it did where I grew up. Thats higher than the combined rates retirees from snowbird states such as Michigan, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and New Jersey are accustomed to paying. U want to vacation- enjoy. When coping with the symptoms of depression, it can be helpful to meet with a therapist to discuss your symptoms and develop a treatment plan. Not buying the Sun Pass. When the weather finally turns cooler in the winter, golf becomes too expensive, crowded and slow due to a huge influx of snowbirds and tourist, to want to play often. In 2018, Hurricane Michael, one of the most powerful storms to hit the U.S. in 50 years, killed at least 20 people and devastated towns in Florida's Panhandle. "At first, it still felt like that vacation feel," she said. You can wear shorts and flip flops anywhere in Florida all year long and fit right in. Learn how to swim. In Florida, my home will increase in value every day. Things get worse when you look at average salaries and adjust it for cost of living. When real estate prices shoot up, my taxes go up faster than my retirement/wage income does. New York, A huge python was crawling in my garden. When the honeymoon phase is gone, during the first few months you love everything around you but once the period is gone you experience true feelings. Well said and right on. The sun can also cause brown, red, yellow, or gray spots in the skin called sun spots.". Florida is hotter and more humid than where you moved from, and it doesnt end when summer does. But. I didn't hate living there, I met some really good people, my Wife + kids loved it. Because of no state income tax, the fees for a driver license, car registration, etc are higher. And such sinkholes grow. The feeling of freedom has been associated with nude/free beaches since the 19th century, the freedom to be closer to nature and the joy of being naked in the sun and water is, Read More 10 Best Nude Beaches in Florida (With Dos and Donts)Continue, Are you planning a trip to Orlando in Florida and looking for ideas on how to spend one day in Orlando on a budget?