WCAG also states that accessibility fonts should have a high contrast ratio, meaning they must be at least 4.5:1 for regular text and 3:1 for . If you have an image that has a lot to say, you'll want to make it the visual centerpiece of your post and let it do the talking for you. We'll look into this more and update the infographic / Google Sheet as soon as possible. Beacon reminds us that opt-in forms aren't the best way to capture leads, but . 5184 x 3456 pixels, needlessly large for an image that is only going to be used in a blog post. Circles, triangles, stripes, and color blocks are back in vogue. Also, your themes specific layout might default to WordPress featured image dimensions or have their own dimensions. Is there anything we could change to make this article helpful? Ask questions and connect with users building on HubSpot. Part of creating a harmonious design is having excellent organization. You can flex your creativity by creating original hero images with Canva or get inspiration from Behance. For more information, check out our, one of the ten most important Google ranking factors, human eye is more sensitive to light and dark detail, Click Drop your .png or .jpg files here!. Receive Community updates and events in your inbox every Monday morning. Free and premium plans, Content management software. Some image cropping is bound to occur as your hero image scales to fit a variety of screens, so it's best to think of the following dimensions as guidelines, not rigid rules. Thanks! Instead of restricting space and making sure everything is in its place, abstract hero images evoke a sense of freedom and creativity. In this guide, Ill explain how to adjust the size of your featured images to best suit your pages and posts. A daily dose of irreverent and informative takes on business & tech news, Turn marketing strategies into step-by-step processes designed for success, Explore what it takes to be a creative business owner or side-hustler, Listen to the world's most downloaded B2B sales podcast, Get productivity tips and business hacks to design your dream career, Free ebooks, tools, and templates to help you grow, Learn the latest business trends from leading experts with HubSpot Academy, All of HubSpot's marketing, sales CRM, customer service, CMS, and operations software on one platform. Off-brand visuals, large files that slow loading speed, and meaningless copy can ruin the user experience. Outline your marketing . Rich text modules support multiple types of content (images, text, CTAs, etc. (Note: All image dimensions refer to the desktop version of this post.). You want your hero image to look good no matter the screen size. Ask questions and connect with users building on HubSpot. for solutions or ask a question, 1:1,16:9, 3:2, 4:3, and 5:9. Marketing, sales, agency, and customer success blog content. When you share your posts on other online channels, like Twitter or LinkedIn. There's nothing worse than landing on a web page that looks like it was made in the dotcom bubble. 1. You can find this trend taking over tech companies and startups, like this example from Zendesk that incorporates video within an abstract semi-circle to keep the design playful. At the minimum, you should use images that are 600 x 315 pixels to display link page posts with larger images. Not all images on the internet are free to use, and violating copyright laws can be costly and damage your reputation. If this is the case, you can click the Publish button in the builderthis will overwrite any previous changes you've tried to make with the API. That means the hero image (the first photo, graphic, or video people see) has to be eye-catching enough to keep people scrolling the site. With these perfectly sized preview images, theres nothing stopping you from creating appealing and eye catching social previews whenever your content is shared. This allows for the image to be resized as necessary, whileretaining its dimensions, even when being inserted into a circle frame. Originally published on October 11th, 2021, updated on Modifying the image size. In "visual" posts, we take this saying to heart. For instance, your WordPress theme might require larger or smaller dimensions for your featured images in different places on your site. the image will display as the same size on all devices. Download your compressed images. Hubspot. Facebook suggests a 1200 x 630 pixel image. Go ahead and try it in your social publishing tool. Scrolling animation makes participation the goal. With spring coming to Cambridge, it's finally time to make the most of the great weather. Starter: $45/month. A picture is worth a thousandwords. However, many people may not know where to start when it comes to thedimensions required for content. A complete library of Academys free online video lessons and certification courses. April 12, 2017. But, again, some experimentation will probably be necessary here to achieve a good fit. Examples of how real customers use HubSpot for their business. Written by: Jake Lett I share digital marketing tips and HubSpot tutorials to help marketers and business owners grow their business. - Managed content production and SEO team workflow for Suggest.com (formerly GossipCop.com) - Edited content for . You just need the right alternative text and title. Ask and answer questions about using HubSpots CRM and Sales Hub. So, ensure your images are the same size . It describes the image to those who might not view it clearly, including readers with visual disabilities and slow internet connections. Or check out our blog to get the latest in marketing, design, integration, and HubSpot knowledge. When resizing, HubSpot will automatically adjust the height to respect the image's original aspect ratio. Product Updates Blog Updates on the latest releases from HubSpot's Product team. A collection of lessons and practical exercises leading to an industry-recognized certification in HubSpots tools or strategy. You'll see the current image size and can adjust it here. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. Hover over your content and click Edit. How can you show the value of your content if you don't nail the first photo? Take a page from Brickle's book, and head to the park to catch some rays. Published: In the below example, I am going to be using Apple iPad (768 pixels in portrait orientation) and Apple iPhone dimensions (320 pixels in portrait orientation). The exact positioning will vary by theme. The following image is 663 pixels wide by 398 pixels high. To help you diminish your images file size as much as possible, boost your website's page speed, and avoid risking a penalty from Google, weve created a quick, easy guide to help you compress your images in only a matter of seconds. If one image is 400300, and the other one is 800600, they will still be the same size thumbnails because those aspect ratios are the same. 43% of marketers say it's producing them consistently. However, if you're using a simple template that shows your posts in a standard list format, you'll want to make sure the reader can see more than one of these featured images on the screen at once. The images are used for different screen sizes. In these types of posts, we teach the reader how to do something in a series of steps, usually accompanied by a small photo in each step, generally wrapped by text. With this tool, your sales reps can use automated sequencing to contact new prospects via LinkedIn and email. Horr is a bone-chilling WordPress theme designed for horror gaming websites. "List" posts are a great way to make your content scannable and succinct. My new years gift to you is the ideal image size and ratio for social sharing. Please note: text modules and custom rich text modules in the drag and drop email editor cannot contain images. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(53, '6b90aadb-dd8c-4687-89a3-c245110c6a91', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); If engaging visuals are the sprinkles on top of every great design system, a hero image is the shiny, red cherry. See pricing, Marketing automation software. Just remember to test out your hero image on multiple browsers, screens, and phones to see how it scales. Sets a max-width for the image. Learn more about Twitter video requirements in Twitter's Help Center. *The 2:1 ratio is not quite accurate on Twitters iOS mobile app; images are cropped more significantly on the left and right borders and are displayed at a 1.75:1 ratio. Keep the branding consistent across all channels to help donors recognize your nonprofit. See Table 1 below. If you need more help, hit that big orange 'Reply' button! Any image with height and width attributes defined in the tag will be resized. HubSpot CMS does not require a specific image size for featured images, but your best bet is to follow recommendations from popular social media platforms like LinkedIn. Supported image types are GIF, JPEG, and PNG files. Lacking quality photos? It's helpful to reference your brand identity and guidelines when coming up with a hero image concept. Pretty wild, right? When uploading new featured images from now on, size them at least as large as the featured image dimensions youve set to avoid blurry or warped photos. While HTML creates order, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) adds flair. Supported file types are MP4, MOV, or GIF. Next, click the image whose size you want to adjust. Examples of how real customers use HubSpot for their business. Search, vote for, and submit ideas to improve the HubSpot platform. A daily dose of irreverent and informative takes on business & tech news, Turn marketing strategies into step-by-step processes designed for success, Explore what it takes to be a creative business owner or side-hustler, Listen to the world's most downloaded B2B sales podcast, Get productivity tips and business hacks to design your dream career, Free ebooks, tools, and templates to help you grow, Learn the latest business trends from leading experts with HubSpot Academy, All of HubSpot's marketing, sales CRM, customer service, CMS, and operations software on one platform. A complete library of Academys free online video lessons and certification courses. The next, it's been resized and looks all pixelated and wrong. Keep your aesthetic in sync by carefully selecting the fonts, sizes, colors, navigation, visuals, and copy. Large media files can slow down your website's load times, which can be frustrating for users. add title text. Web designers have taken note and are starting to lean toward hero images with neutral, pleasing color palettes. While this trend will likely stay in tech and apps, it's great for pulling people into the world of your website. We already talked about the best dimensions for hero images above (1,200 pixels and a 16:9 aspect ratio), so consider this a reminder of how important it is to have the right size. Consider such questions as: Find out more about how to select the perfect image for your next blog post. Large screen, HD, retina displays: 4:1. HubSpot uses the information you provide to us to contact you about our relevant content, products, and services. . Compressing your images and videos can help reduce the file size without sacrificing image quality. Thisoptimizes images to fit the screen they're viewed on, which can decrease browser load-time andimprove Google PageSpeed score. Furthermore, this image appears wherever your post appears, whether on social media, search pages, archives, and more. Animation, carousels, and scroll-triggered effects are ways to flex your creativity beyond typical stock photography. And it only takes about 0.05 seconds to form an opinion. When you create a social post in HubSpot, any image or video you include in your post should adhere to specific requirements, such as file size and aspect ratio. The median for ecommerce businesses globally is around 2.1 - 3% (for US-based companies it's 2.63%). Read world-renowned marketing content to help grow your audience, Read best practices and examples of how to sell smarter, Read expert tips on how to build a customer-first organization, Read tips and tutorials on how to build better websites, Get the latest business and tech news in five minutes or less, Learn everything you need to know about HubSpot and our products, Stay on top of the latest marketing trends and tips, Join us as we brainstorm new business ideas based on current market trends. If this answer solved your question, please mark it as the solution! File size: 287.6 MB (iOS) and 72 MB (Android). No problem! You can see what some of these sizes look like in this article here -, https://www.canva.com/learn/beginners-guide-aspect-ratio/. If you want to add a filter to your background image (without applying it to the text), DeveloperDrive recommends including the filter before your .hero-content code. This is when we would use an image that is big, bold, and beautiful. If you're stretching your images to a width of 1000px and beyond, that's actually not such a good idea. Meet regularly with your local community of HubSpot users. Yes, it's a lot of weight for one piece of visual content. Additionally, file sizes under 3MB are recommended as a best practice to match a happy medium across the major social networks. Standard desktop: 2.75:1. For centered text, include a .text-align: center rule under your core content element. For detailed instructions on creating and troubleshooting with HTML, check out this article from DeveloperDrive. You can use sites like TinyJPG, Compress JPG, or Adobe's Photoshop Compressor to decrease the size without reducing quality. January 19, 2023. Regarding font selection, WCAG recommends using fonts with a x-height of at least 1.5 times the font size. 2. When paired with an engaging title, the right featured image captures visitors' attention. Learn more about website accessibility in our. We're committed to your privacy. 1. But since the human eye is more sensitive to light and dark detail than color detail, were not able to detect the color differences between an uncompressed and compressed image, so the perceived quality stays the same, just like the pictures below. HubSpot uses the information you provide to us to contact you about our relevant content, products, and services. Check out and compare more Email Marketing products To learn more about images and SEO, see our guide to optimizing images for Google Search. For hero images, it's common to see products being used as graphic elements or deconstructed so visitors can dig into the details. The image's alt text. See pricing, Marketing automation software. Use the right image format for the use-case. Where a featured image might appear on your site depends on your theme, but you can typically expect to see your image appear in at least these three places: You might also see your featured images in other locations on your site, like image galleries, background images, or image sliders on your homepage. Before you start writing your code, you will want to decide which tablet size and mobile size you would like to optimize your images for. Free and premium plans, Content management software. Twitter images. This size is great for some users, but as with all other image resolutions, no single option is appropriate for all types of designs. hs fetch @hubspot/linked_image.module ). A warped, blurry, or poorly formatted image suggests you havent put enough work into what comes after it. As a special note, when sharing to LinkedIn on a personal page, a square 800px by 800px image is the best recommended size as LinkedIn will show square images when shared via a third party. By including CSS rules, you can develop an image that draws in visitors instead of scaring them away. Use this 4 step guide to compressing images in bulk to improve your HubSpot website load speed. Great! Portfolio module: The image width should be equal to a single post column width. Professional: $800/month. Smart phone displays: 3:2. When you add an image to your media library, WordPress automatically makes three copies of the original image in three dimensions: These copies are created so the image can be used in different sections of your website without needing to resize the original image each time, which would decrease page performance. They also appear when you share your posts outside of your WordPress site, like on social media or news websites. LinkedIn has over 774 million users, with roughly a quarter of them being U.S. internet users. While each social network has their own sizing specifications, our tests have shown that the measurements shown above work best as a one size fits all approach. You can set the size automatically or by setting a custom height and width. A business card should be large enough to see its contents but small enough to fit into your pocket or wallet.