It can be hard for Leo rising to remember that there are no perfect accountability systems and that its okay to let people down. . Leo Ascendant sign lord is Sun of 1st house only in a horoscope. This is because Gemini is a sign of communication and Sun represents fun and so it becomes fun through communication. Unconsciously they know that their existence matter. Not that other signs arent, they just tend to think more profoundly. The zodiac sign reveals your strengths and weaknesses. Your Leo Ascendant represents the way that you present yourself to the world, while the Descendant sign details qualities you may look for in a partnership. Leo Ascendant House Lords, Singh Lagna analysis with their house lords. Here, Sun becomes very strong and naturally, any planet sitting in the 11th house is considered to be very auspicious for the native. You may be able to build a good image . They can help your advancement in many ways. 2019-2020 HoroscopeJoy Joy Carter All Rights Reserved. At least they have great insight and are intelligent enough to win in any discussion. Sun is in the sign of Leo in seventh house for Aquarius ascendant shows that one will have ego clashes and delayed marriage. They want to give without boundaries and idealistically. They can suppress their enemies and opponents. My website: http://www.astrologykrs.comLink to my astrology school: http://www.krschannel.thinkific.comHoroscope consultation- However, they cant be too consistent and practical when it comes to being in the combat mode. Even communication through different computers is also not possible without networking. You can find out more about how you need to be loved and how you will love your partner, but you need your personal data because without it you won't be able to get your house placements in the chart. Sun in the 7th house for Leo Ascendant is a great position for Sun to be in as Sun is in the sign of Aquarius. You are charming and love the finer things in life. Because the Seventh House is also the place for partnerships, it can even tell you the best career plans are for you and who would make an ideal partner to go into business with. Such people could be spiritual gurus or teachers or professors or even they could be someone working for large organizations such as the government as 11th house is also the house that represents large organizations or large networks (such as the internet). To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. The individual will acquire land, fame and recognition after marriage. Those of them who are married may want to know everything about their spouse, which can be annoying for some. A 7th House Aquarius individual is looking to have a partner whos involved in humanitarian actions or is affiliated with groups that are helping the less fortunate. According to astrology, each individual makes a soul contract with the universe and decides on their specific time of birth. By default, Substack asks if you want to make an optional PLEDGE. Also, you should pay special attention to your 5th and 11th houses in your natal chart. They are committed, loyal and will amazing lovers. Continue with Recommended Cookies. If the 1st House represents the expression of I, the 7th House (or Descendant) describes the sphere of we. The sign of Aquarius is influencing people to divorce because its a lot about oppositions in life. If youre not using whole sign houses already, I highly encourage you to apply it to your understanding of your chart. Because they want to be in charge of themselves, they want to be able to control their stuff. Yes, I have the CAP ascendant and Aquarius intercepted in the first house. They may be larger than life and might be another couple that argues in publicand then makes up on the park bench with abandon. If you have the Seventh House of Marriage in the sign of Leo you will attract a partner who gives as much respect as they give. So this is how the sign of Leo plays out when it falls on the 7th house of one-to-one interaction. If it is Leo Ascendant, then, at that point, Mercury rules the second and eleventh house and sits in the seventh house in Aquarius. An awareness of belonging to the human race or, conversely, feeling like an alien. So this placement could also bring multiple marriages or there could be love affairs. 3rd house has Aries sign and lord is Mars. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. If you have your Seventh House of Marriage in the sign of Virgo, you are picky when it comes to who you will marry. Called the Descendant or DC for short, it's along an axis with the 1st house (the house of the self) and is the house of others (personal, business, and enemies). Here's a quick guide to how each zodiac sign defines the spirit of love and relationships in your natal chart and how each influences the Seventh House of Partnerships and Marriage. With Libra in the third house, Leo risings need their real relationships to be learning places. Here, the native can be born in a rich family or a family of Royal status. How do I make decisions about planning my life in the future. They are the people who love to lead others and become leaders, while they hate working under someone. If you have your Seventh House of Marriage in Aries, you are attracted to someone who has an athletic body. Also, Aquarius people cut a lot of jokes when they interact with other people and they are not serious minded at all and that is what it also means when the sign of Leo falls on the 7th house as 7th house is also the house of one-to-one interaction. We are not interested in battles. In your sign, the Moon will be in the 2nd house. However, it may cause their downfall in both personal and professional lives. He will earn most of his wealth though his own self-efforts and hardwork as Sun is the lord of the 1st house, indicates that the native will also be very hardworking. Leo Risings are warm, spontaneous, and huggy people when you see them but, with Aquarius on the descendent, you might be surprised that you get to see less of this person who seems to move through the world with so much intimacy than youd expect. I am text block. Its because they only show up intentionallywhen they think that their relationship with you is transformative for the world. You also have a strong desire to be affection and intimate with your partner. Here Sun is in a debilitated position in the sign of Libra but here Sun makes the native very hardworking. For performance and security reasons, we use Cloudflare as our CDN networks. The native can also gain worldly fame in his lifetime. Can exalted Jupiter in 5th house get you into real estate business? Aquarius wants freedom. You dont get to do that while sustaining the status quo. Half in the dark half in the light. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. What loss or expense 12th lord in 6th house could give in Vedic Astrology? All rights reserved, Leo Ascendant (1st House) - Aquarius Descendant (7th House), North Node in Taurus / South Node in Scorpio, Non Copyrighted Music and the Rise of Community Culture, Are you interested in a personal reading? RELATED:The Kind Of Woman He Marries, According To His Zodiac Sign. Aquarius in the seventh house means that Leo rising doesnt want to approach their relationships from a place of need. As Sun from the 3rd house directly aspects the 9th house of Bhagya and fate and makes the native very fortunate and successful in his life. I'm discovering so much every day. Sometimes, what this can mean is that Leo rising becomes a person who gives their time and energy in a way that people usually do when they feel stable themselves even when Leo rising does not feel stable themselves. This is also because Aquarius deals more with matters of the mind and isnt emotional. You will sometimes appear to others as distant and hard to reach. #Vegan. Leo: For Leos Saturn rules the 6th and the 7th house and will rise in the 7th house. They are also some of the most dharmic and religious people in the world. ie the energies represented by Saturn are more easily expressed in Aquarius. So for example, if you always find that you're attracting Geminis, Taurus, or another zodiac sign, there's a pretty good chance that you have your Seventh House in that zodiac sign or their planet ruler in your Seventh House. In this type of marriage situation, there can be times when you feel a bit out of reach to your future mate. 3. RELATED:Which Zodiac Sign Should You Marry, According To Astrology. If you can't find your time of birth on your birth certificate ask a family member if it was day or night or if they have a general time. The wife is intelligent and also she doesn't like many worldly things. If your Seventh House of Marriage falls into the sign of Aquarius, you might marry someone from another culture. Native get happiness and peace with Mars in the 7th house for Leo Ascendant. What Aries sign on different houses mean in Vedic Astrology? Emily Francos is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture and relationship topics. Case 1: If 7th lord, Sun, is placed in the sign of Capricorn in the 12th house then this placement could also make the native an engineer such as an electronics or electrical engineer as Sun represents light and electric current without which electronics and electrical engineering is not possible. Answer (1 of 6): Rahu, a dire malefic gives the results of lord of the house he occupies. Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury, so you'll likely meet someone who either has the personality traits of the twins. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. How to activate Love and Romance in your life through astrology? Also, 3rd house is the house of courage and skills of hands and so people involved in sports can also be seen from this placement as Aries is an aggressive fire sign and sports is not possible without aggression and energy. Once your account is created, you'll be logged-in to this account. Leo rising is not someone who likes to sit in an ivory tower and learn from all the books that they have gathered. 1March 2023. meaning their family, values, and benefits are mostly focused on creativity and relationships with the youth, teachers, and authorities. Hence, in houses 4, 5, and 7, Sun can be very problematic as these houses are related to the soft things in life, like our mother, marriage and children. In this way, Leo can decide if the person in front of him has what it takes to reign at their side. The native gains good scope in the fields of government and government jobs. Case 6: If 7th lord, Sun, is placed in the sign of Gemini in the 5th house then very creative people such as good writers, comedians, singers, actors, digital marketers, etc can be seen from this placement. A weak and afflicted Venus will reduce the longevity of the children. After all, if a Leo ascendant speaks to you, it must be that you have something special. Dear Reader, March will be a major turning point of the year for three major planets will change signs. The position of the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and the dispositors of the Ascending and Descending will tell us the personal needs of each individual and what they are looking for in a relationship. Such natives, even if they are born in a poor family, as they grow up, they will become rich and wealthy. This is also a great position for government service related jobs and the native can get lots of success in the field of government. MARCH 2023. Offering Lotus flowers to Lord Ganesh for 1 or 21 days. How kids success is dependant on their parents character in Vedic Astrology? Sun in the 12th house is in the sign of Cancer, and here, the native can suffer from eye problems. Here, Sun might create minor problems in the married life of the person as Sun burns the house that it sits in. Thats not because Leo risings dont show up for peoplethey do. Plz note: I am an astrologer from New Delhi, India and if you need horoscope reading services or want to learn the real secrets of Vedic Astrology then plz contact me through this site. . Here, the native will also have a very long life. With Capricorn in your 7th house you might not be in touch with your more business savvy, ambitious side and will . He does not put up with dissent. It is the Rudraksha that is a symbol of the Surya Dev or Sun God. The wittiness of their loved ones only reflects their own, while their weirdness can make them true anarchists and erratic. You not only will attract a spouse who is a reflection of home, but you'll desire a partner who is loving and nurturing, too. Since Venus is the goddess of love, it makes sense that you want to pay attention to where she is on your natal chart. If Saturn is aspecting Sun, then here the native may suffer from eye related problems, while he will have to face challenges at his work or job. Leo Rising Sign/Aquarius Descendant Sign. When they engage in politics, they do so with the understanding that politics is about power and not cooperation. He might be having ego issues with his siblings while He can face conflict with one of his siblings. They also sometimes make fun of other people (due to the Leo sign on their 7th house) and so this may also get them into fights with other people. In the 7th House, we see how we relate to others. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. Case 9: If 7th lord Sun is placed in the sign of Scorpio in the 10th house and if 10th lord Mars is debilitated (placed in the sign of Cancer in the 6th house) then this could give a bad image in the workplace and the native could also face a lot of troubles in the married life because of the debilitated Mars as Sun is placed in the sign of Mars, Scorpio. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. But this placement is good to become an engineer or a programmer as Aquarius is again a sign of networking and without networks, wireless communication is not possible. The house is what's going on. Sun in the 7th house for Leo Ascendant. In the case of SHAHRUKH KHAN Sasa Yoga in the 7th house with Leo ascendant. You will fall in and out of love with your marriage partner, but with time, you find that perfect balance. You also want to be with someone who has an ability to care for others and you enjoy being cared for. In fact, the native can become very wealthy and rich in his lifetime. But still, a lot will depend on the position of Mars, ruler of Aries or 3rd house, in the birth chart. With Capricorn in the sixth house, Leo risings want their labor to confront history directly. This is how they feel that they have found an equal. A lot of the time, Leo risings are people who dont want to act out emotionally. Money is usually plentiful and important to you. There are no details of planets aspecting it, of the pl. These houses deal with love, friendships, and relationships. Due to this, the native will have to struggle and work very hard in his lifetime. Text Grace McGrade Illustration Gabrielle Rosenstein. Libra . You might struggle to keep both feet on the ground. However, Sun in the 4th house is generally not considered good. You can see that Saturn is aspected by Yogakaraka Mars, 5th lord Jupiter and same time Saturn is Trine to .